Stop Chasing After Every Shiny, Glittery Distraction

How to separate the mental wheat from the chaff

Jill Reid
Real Life
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2024


Photo by Gianne Karla Tolentino from Pexels

How much junk do you have piling up in your mental cart?

If you’re like me, you may be in the habit of collecting things in your brain — letting ideas and thoughts gather and congeal into an unrecognizable mass before exerting the effort to determine what’s worth keeping and what needs to be pitched out the door.

What about all the good stuff buried in the heap?

Unfortunately, the vetting process can be cumbersome and frustrating. And attempting to objectively sort through the stash without hurting your own feelings makes it hard to tell the difference between a jewel and a turd.

Personally, from past experience I’ve learned if I wait too long before revisiting my cart, well, a lot of things can happen — including a build-up of stress and anxiety.

My head is spinning just thinking about it.

I finally decided to come face-to-face with my real issue: While I may not be a hoarder of “stuff,” I was definitely guilty of not being able to let go of my thoughts, wishes, and desires without a fight.



Jill Reid
Real Life

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| |