A tightrope walker between the present and the future of your product

Sometimes it feels like a competition, the present feels urgent, but the future will not forgive you if you make the wrong decision.

Flo Ferreyra
2 min readAug 6, 2020


Photo by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash

In the end, as in any other aspect of life, it’s about the magic of having a perfect balance. This balance is between the short and long term of your product. It is how you develop your product right now, and how you envision your product evolving in the future.

Every product has short terms goals to achieve immediately, but these goals can’t destroy the long term objectives and overall health of the product. Both need to be aligned and related.

The present always feels urgent, on fire, so it is necessary to decide quickly but strategically, which is the battle to fight.

The vision of your product need to be extremely clear; you can’t doubt about it. Because it will guide you through all the decision, you will make and help you find the perfect balance between both worlds. Because in the end, the vision and the real purpose is what will take your product to the next level.

Some risks need to be taken in the present, but we must always honour the purpose of our product. It is essential to aim high enough to be inspiring and to be fast enough to fit into the market.

Sometimes it feels like you are a tightrope walker, focusing only on the next step, but always remember why you are doing every single step forward.

