What is Real Lives

Real Lives is a Film Studio, an Editorial Publication, and a Lifestyle Community.

Real Lives Expedition
2 min readFeb 19, 2018


Real Lives is a not for profit, multicultural association established to produce, publish and distribute content that promotes global diversity, cultural heritage, planetary sustainability and human respect on a personal level.

Real Lives is a collection of encounters, lifestyles, and cultures. It is a celebration of how little it takes to enrich our lives. Real Lives are narratives that provide concrete examples and personal experience on the myriad of simple ways to live a meaningful and impactful life.

Real Lives was founded by artist/art historian, Sophie Beer, and photojournalist/filmmaker, Mark Abouzeid. Real Lives centres around their personal and professional lives: global nomads and award winning creatives who regularly immerse themselves in new cultures anywhere in this world. They share their creativity, discoveries, insight and empathy in order to connect communities and cross cultural boundaries.

Real Lives rapidly growing audience of millennials, world curious and conscious livers is populated with real people trying to live life the best they can and wanting to connect with others like them. Real Lives’ award winning documentary films, feature articles and creative arts engage these audiences to ‘experience life’ first hand, empathise with their subjects and understand the insight within their cultures.

People used to be inspired by the world, now most of them fear it.

I don’t want to. I want to understand and wonder.



Real Lives Expedition

The Real Lives “State of Europe” expedition is taking the conversation out of the newsroom and chat windows, onto the road and into communities.