Little Teapot Man

Moments with a three year old

Christine Barrington
A moment
1 min readNov 14, 2013


Dinner was finished and Oliver began walking in circles around the table.

“Come on, little circler, time for bed,” David said.

Oliver looked up, and asked the question that’s never far from his lips. “What mean, little circler?”

Before David could respond, Oliver snagged the teapot from the shelf as he passed. “Little teapot man.” He grinned and kept walking around the table, popping the lid open and shut with his thumb. “Now, little teapot man!”

I’m trying to discipline myself to capture one moment a day, for they are magical and evaporate as fast as dreams.

A few more three year old moments:

Boys and Puppies

Daddies are giants

Pretending to be Alice



Christine Barrington
A moment

Just someone trying to balance life, two children, and a novel. And stop her head from falling off. @0noema0