A Fresh New Way of Living

I will spend time doing what makes me genuinely happy.

Writer's Dream
2 min readAug 8, 2023


A few ways to live life that will give peace of mind.
Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

As I grow old, I have started to change my belief about living an ideal life.

From my childhood, everyone taught me to follow the rules that others have set.

But nobody told me to follow my heart.

I don't know why following your heart or putting your mind first is still underrated.

But at the end of the day, your mental peace will matter the most.

You cannot love the most loved one in your life if you compromise with your choice daily.

While staring at the sky out my bedside window, I realized we all have a finite time on this earth — to enjoy the different bounties of nature.

Will you be able to enjoy these if you have a disturbed mind?

No, right?

So, I have decided to practice prioritizing myself every day in every small act.

I will check how my body, mind, and soul are responding to every life situation, and then respond to it.

Till now, it has been the other way around.

I always respond the way others may feel happy. Then come my feelings.

The universe has given a magical tool to everyone to decide what is best for us. But we never use that.

It is called intuition.

A few ways I am making this new lifestyle change are below:

  1. If I don't like someone, I would acknowledge that feeling.
  2. I will spend time doing what makes me genuinely happy.
  3. I will spend one day a week doing absolutely NOTHING. It gives me clarity to understand what I want for the rest of my life.
  4. I will not compare myself with others.
  5. I will not regret not getting the things I desperately wanted .
  6. I will express gratitude daily.

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Writer's Dream

Aspiring writer. I write about online writing and simple lifestyle tips. Let's connect : https://online-writing-lifestyle-productivity.ck.page/profile