Becoming a Parent

The thrills and shrieks

Tinika Bell
3 min readAug 11, 2023


Embarking on the journey of parenthood has been profound for me.

A fine blend of the most challenging moments I’ve ever faced, paired with unparalleled joy. But there’s an added layer — timing. The era of one’s life, when parenthood knocks on the door, can color the experience in unique shades.

In my twenties, I reveled in personal pursuits, while my thirties were filled with the hustle of career milestones. So, the realization of motherhood approaching me in my mid-thirties was nothing short of a seismic shift.

There were so many things about motherhood that suddenly gave me anxiety. Things I now had to consider; “How is this going to work?”, “Have I reached a point where I can financially support this child?”

Yet, out of all these uncertainties, the most important question was whether I would be a good mother. My daughter radiates happiness, but how does one maintain that? Let me share my experience.

The initial days of motherhood, although filled with overwhelming love, came with some unforeseen challenges. Sure, prepping with bottles, diapers, and baby clothing seemed straightforward. But no one quite prepared me for what seemed like endless nights of sleep deprivation.

As a nursing mother, my existence revolved around providing for my little one. The lack of sleep was overwhelming, testing the limits of my mental and emotional resilience. It baffled me: how could someone like me struggle with this maternal role?

The irony wasn’t lost on me — despite having assistance and the luxury of an extended maternity leave, sleep became an elusive luxury. Everyone’s advice? Nap when the baby naps.

But the reality?

Short naps might rejuvenate infants, but for most adults' multiple naps are hardly sufficient. Looking back, I can laugh about it now, but in those moments, the struggle felt all too real.

Authors Image | Mother & Child

As my daughter grew older, things became easier. A key lesson that dawned on me early on: the essence of good parenting lies in patience. Lucky for me, I was blessed with plenty of it by my thirties. This phase of my life, molded by experiences and maturity, enabled me to offer my daughter a richer version of myself.

There’s a lingering societal narrative that stigmatizes women for choosing to embrace motherhood later in life. But here’s my take: base this life-altering decision on your health, financial readiness, and the strength of your support system.

I was fortunate; a nurturing village awaited my daughter’s arrival.

This community became my anchor, easing my transition into this newfound role.

Time has a way of speeding past, and before you comprehend it, that tiny person is well on their way to adulthood. Every snapshot taken, like the one I chose of me and my daughter above, becomes a timeless keepsake, a portal transporting you back to those cherished moments.

Enjoy the ride.

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Tinika Bell

Hello. My name is Tinika Bell. I am a Flint, MI native and a graduate of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (go blue!). I look forward to sharing here.