Depths Of My Worth

When will I be enough?

3 min readAug 26, 2023


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

In the quiet moments, when the noise of the world subsides, a question lingers in the shadows of my thoughts: When will I be enough? It’s a whisper that grows louder when self-doubt takes hold, a relentless inquiry that navigates the depths of my heart. As I reflect upon my life, I find that my search for self-worth is a path intertwined with vulnerability, resilience, and the quest for understanding.

The echoes of comparison

In a world filled with curated lives on screens, the echoes of comparison reverberate like a ceaseless symphony. Every scroll through social media paints a portrait of achievements, beauty, and seemingly endless success. Caught in the riptide of comparison, I’ve questioned whether my journey measures up and whether I am enough as I am. The seduction of external validation becomes a hypnotizing genie, tempting me to mold myself into someone I’m not, all in pursuit of a fleeting sense of worth.

The weight of others’ expectations

The expectations of others can cast a rigid mask over my sense of self. Family, friends, society — they all contribute to an intricate tapestry of who they think I should be. A sea of shoulds and oughts swirls around me, and it’s easy to lose sight of my own desires and dreams amidst the tide. Struggling to align with these expectations, I’ve often wondered if meeting their criteria would finally grant me the worth I seek.

The mirror of self-reflection

Confronting the mirror is an act of self-reflection that demands courage. Gazing into my own eyes, I see the sum of my experiences — the triumphs and the stumbles. The mirror reflects not only my physical form but also the uncharted territories of my soul. Yet, at times, it’s a reflection I meet with skepticism. The mirror, after all, doesn’t show the intangibles — the kindness I’ve shown, the love I’ve given, the resilience that keeps me moving forward.

The journey of unraveling

As I trace the journey of my life, I realize that worth is not a static destination but a dynamic process of discovery. It’s in the messiness of growth, the vulnerability of admitting imperfections, that I discover the beauty of authenticity. The worth I seek is not entrusted upon me by others’ opinions or society’s standards; it’s a flame that burns within me, ignited by embracing my truths and learning to love myself, even in the midst of uncertainty.

Embracing the unconditional

The quest for worthiness reaches its peak when I am able to love myself unconditionally. It’s in the moments of embracing my flaws and celebrating my strengths that I find peace. When the question “When will I be enough?” arises, I’ve learned to respond with a whisper of affirmation. I am enough in my moments of triumph and in my moments of doubt. I am enough as I strive for growth and as I stumble along the way.

Photo by Tom Podmore on Unsplash

In the depths of my worth, I find an unwavering truth: I am enough, not because of what I achieve or how I appear, but because of the essence of my being. The journey to embrace this truth is ongoing, an ever-evolving dance between self-discovery and self-compassion. And so, I walk forward, hand in hand with the question that once haunted me. When will I be enough? The answer is now, and always.

In the wheel of life, the question of worthiness may never fully fade. Yet, within its notes, I find a thread that reminds me to honor the journey, celebrate the victories, and extend grace in the moments of uncertainty. The depths of my worth are a tapestry of experiences, woven with threads of resilience and authenticity — a masterpiece that I am continually crafting, one day at a time.




a self-supporting student by writing. I write late-night thoughts, realizations that matter, a bunch of anime and manga, and a tiny bit of accounting.