Do you know a woman?

The Power of Early Breast Cancer Detection: Something Every Man and Woman Should Think About!

Angelina Sony
3 min readOct 5, 2023


Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about this devastating disease. I vividly recall my first encounter with a breast cancer patient during my surgical rotation as an intern doctor.

It was an experience that profoundly impacted my perspective.

In my initial week, I had the privilege of caring for a remarkable woman who had undergone chemotherapy and surgery and was scheduled for radiotherapy. Despite the pain, she possessed an undeniable grace. We often engaged in heartfelt conversations during my visits to her ward and during rounds. What struck me the most was the strength with which she was facing it, and the driving force behind it was her love for her son.

Her son, a dedicated student pursuing his bachelor’s degree, had temporarily put his education on hold to be there for his mother. Their financial situation was far from ideal, and the mother carried a heavy burden of worry, fearing that her illness might affect her son’s education and life. Yet she summoned the courage to wear a brave face for him, masking her own helplessness.

In one of our conversations, she confided in me that she had noticed a small lump in her breast months ago, a subtle warning sign that she had initially dismissed. Being a tirelessly busy working mom, she hadn’t found the time to investigate further. Many months had passed before the diagnosis was finally made when she made the visit to the doctor, and it was heartbreaking to realize that her disease could have been treated more effectively if detected earlier.

She expressed deep regret for not being aware of the importance of screening and early detection.

Breast self-examination and mammograms are potent tools in the fight against breast cancer. Detecting the disease at an earlier, more treatable stage significantly increases the chances of survival. It not only enhances the effectiveness of treatment but also alleviates the emotional hardships that patients and their families endure. Early detection paves the way for an improved quality of life, not only for the patient but also for their loved ones.

Remind yourself, your mom, your grandmother, your wife, and your daughter to do a monthly breast self-exam.

Do monthly breast self-examinations, start regular mammograms at age 40, and repeat every 1–2 years. If there is any family history, the person does need to get checked and start a mammogram earlier than 40 years. Speak with your healthcare provider to determine the screening schedule that is best for you.

As I reflect on that patient, I wonder how she’s doing now, and I hope the son gets the strength to face the consequences of life.

Our interaction did make me really understand the importance of screening and early detection of breast cancer and the critical role a simple self breast examination plays in it.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month serves as a powerful reminder that knowledge is our greatest ally in the battle against this disease, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals and their families.

Check out the following link to learn more about breast cancer detection (It’s a guide from the National Breast Cancer Foundation, and it’s not an affiliated link):



Angelina Sony

A doc on a journey revamping her writing skills.