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Fight With My Wife May Just Expose Popular Pastor

Christian’s ought to be wiser

George Blue Kelly
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2024


Like an unruly baby still in diapers, I threw a tantrum.

After my wife pinned me to the wall, with her maturity and faultlessness; by making apparent, my wrong and fault, she stripped my ego naked.

The tantrum was the only card left to play.

Nevertheless, a battle lost is a battle lost. And like Bill Bur advised, she weaved and dodged, bent the knee, and ran out the clock – leaving me in a poo of shame and a lot to think about.

It wasn’t long, however, when the Lord’s voice, through His Spirit began His own therapy section, tugging gently at my heart.

“You know you’re wrong.”

“Even if! Am I not the man of the house? Isn’t it disrespectful to even make a fool of one’s husband like that?”

“But is that how Christ deals with you?”

The beauty of a true believer is that, one’s heart is not his own – it’s Gods dwelling place. Therefore, injustice, unrighteousness and pride cannot dwell therein.

My conversation with the Holy Spirit, due to my stubbornness, went on for nearly two hours, as I continue to seave.



George Blue Kelly
Editor for

True stories of an immigrant from the shores of Sicily