From Arrogance to Empathy: Empowering Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence

Shaping tomorrow’s leaders: cultivating humility and respect in children

Dr Promod C Awasthi
3 min readJul 15, 2023


Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

In a recent gathering, I had the privilege of conversing with primary school teachers from neighboring public and private schools. Our discussion naturally veered towards the behavior of children – their interactions with classmates, neighbors, siblings, and respected figures like teachers and elders.

The teachers observed a concerning shift in children’s behavior, where self-centeredness seemed to prevail over socializing skills, language devoid of civility and respect, and frequent and unnecessary fights. And the tendency of bullying, arrogance, intolerance, and various other unacceptable social behaviors was becoming increasingly prevalent.

With limited time and resources, it was practically impossible for teachers to fully instill social etiquette and moral education in their students. Thus, they emphasized the crucial role parents play in cultivating social responsibility and respect in their children.

It is also noted that negative incidents, behaviors, or actions observed by the children in their surroundings, tend to capture their attention more than positive actions.

These are some key areas of learning… how parents can nurture socially acceptable behavior in children amidst negative surroundings:-

Prejudice and Discrimination:

  • It is crucial to teach children to value diversity and treat everyone with respect and kindness.
  • Avoid teaching prejudice or discrimination based on factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or socio-economic status.
  • Encourage inclusivity and embrace cultural differences.

Bullying and Aggression:

  • Instead of encouraging aggressive behavior or allowing teasing, help children develop problem-solving skills and teach them how to communicate their feelings assertively and respectfully.
  • Encourage children to stand up against bullying and to treat others with compassion.

Dishonesty and Lack of Integrity:

  • Instead of condoning dishonesty or teaching children to deceive others, foster an environment where open communication and honesty are valued, and consequences for dishonesty are clear.
  • Teach the importance of taking responsibility for their actions, admitting mistakes, and learning from them.

Entitlement and Lack of Empathy:

  • Instead of constantly fulfilling children’s every desire or teaching them that they deserve special treatment, encourage them to show appreciation for what they have and to help those in need.
  • Encourage acts of kindness and generosity toward others.

Lack of Respect for Authority:

  • Instead of promoting disrespect or rebelliousness, encourage children to express their opinions respectfully and to seek understanding through communication.
  • Encourage constructive dialogue and questioning, but also instill the understanding that rules and authority exist for the well-being of individuals and society.

Sharing and Cooperation:

  • Assign age-appropriate chores to children and emphasize the benefits of working together, such as accomplishing tasks faster and creating a harmonious environment.
  • Encourage them to work collaboratively with siblings, friends, and classmates to achieve common goals.

Respect for Colleagues and Peers:

  • Encourage children to actively listen when others speak, acknowledge different perspectives, and participate in group activities where they learn to appreciate diverse ideas.

Understanding the Importance of Money:

  • Introduce concepts such as earning an allowance, budgeting for desired purchases, and saving for future goals to develop children’s financial awareness and responsibility.

Avoiding Greed and Materialism:

  • Teach children the importance of appreciating what they have and understanding that material possessions do not define their worth.
  • Engage in discussions about consumerism, encourage acts of generosity, and involve children in charitable activities to help them understand the joy of giving.

Recognizing the Importance of Education:

  • Encourage a love for learning, curiosity, and critical thinking.
  • Engage children in activities that foster their interests and intellectual curiosity, read and discuss books together, and expose them to a variety of educational opportunities and experiences.

Cultivating Solidarity and Compassion:

  • Engage children in discussions about social issues, organize family volunteering outings, and highlight the positive impact of helping others in building stronger communities.

Remember that these lessons should be introduced gradually, adapted to children’s developmental stages, and reinforced consistently over time. By incorporating these teachings into everyday life and modeling the desired behaviors, parents can help shape their children into individuals who embody these positive attributes.



Dr Promod C Awasthi
Writer for

Heathcare and Hospital Management Expert having 42 years of experience in Medical Science, Human Psychology at work and Leadership Development.