Have A Sword, But Keep It Sheathed

A spiritual perspective on power

Vasile Rus
2 min readJul 6, 2023


Katana is a Japanese sword. Thank you @download for this free image on FreeImages.

I have to admit I learned about the definition of the word “meek” while listening to Jordan Peterson on YouTube.

The idea of being meek can be an immense consolation when we feel powerless. After all, the unfortunate situation of powerlessness becomes a virtue when we see it from a very particular angle.

“We’re not strong enough to do bad things, so we can’t do bad things, so we’re safe, both to ourselves and to others”.

It may make some sense, but there’s a problem here: Meek may not mean powerless or harmless. Meek may mean powerful, and even dangerous as Hell, but keeping those qualities under control. I use the word “may” when describing what meek could mean because — as far as I know — the Scripture doesn’t provide any further details on what meek actually means. We can come up with all sorts of definitions for this word. However, it’s mostly deduction, wishful thinking, speculation, and whatever you want to call it, but it’s not a fact.

The analogy with having a sword, but keeping it sheathed is very accurate, in my opinion. That’s what keeping power under control means.

Next, I’d like to discuss 2 biblical instances where I think the sword analogy confirms the definition of the word “meek”.

In Matthew 10:34, Jesus states the following:

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword”

According to my own interpretation, Jesus came to Earth in order to arm us, with truth. The truth may very well be likened to a sword. And by having the truth, we are powerful.

Then, in Matthew 26:52, Jesus states the following:

“Those who use the sword will die by the sword.”

According to my own interpretation, this passage confirms the idea of keeping the sword sheathed. This can also be the scriptural basis for the definition of the word “meek”.

After writing all this, another question popped into my head:

If the truth is like a sword, and we should keep the sword sheathed. How else can we keep the truth sheathed except by not talking about it?

Jesus told us to inform the world about the truth. Isn’t that paradoxical?

How complex and puzzling life can be!

If you have any ideas on this topic, feel free to leave a comment below.

Thank you for reading!

Have a blessed day!



Vasile Rus
Writer for

I ask a lot of questions. But you don't need to answer to all of them.