Have you ever had a job that you hated?

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4 min readOct 24, 2022

I know! Everybody has at least one job from their practical life that they hate. Or are there some fortunate ones who never did a job they hated? Do let me know in the comments!

So this is my story of the job that I hated. In a single sentence? I am not made to teach.

So I took a gap year after my intermediate because, guess what? I wanted to go to a medical college. So, I skipped the admissions for all the regular universities and waited for the medical universities to open their admissions. I had given the medical test called MDCAT when admissions opened, I applied and didn’t get into any of the universities due to merit. I was one or two points behind.

When it happened, all the universities had closed their admissions and I had to take a gap year.

At that time I decided that I’ll give the test again next year but had a change of plan afterward. So I was okay for at least a month. I enjoyed that I am free and I don’t have to study for anything.

Four months in, I got depressed. I stopped talking to my family and my mother got concerned. She asked me to make a CV and apply for jobs mainly a teacher.

I applied for a job before Ramadan, the 9th month of the Hijri calendar/lunar calendar, which is followed by Muslims, as the holy month of fasting. I applied to three different schools, I was interviewed the very same day by a school because they needed a teacher. The interview went well and they told me to come on Monday for the trial. The trial is usually three to five days. I went and taught some children the first day, came home, and decided never to go there again!

Now mind you, when this happened, Ramadan had already started. Anyways, I got a call from another school, let’s call it School B, as well but I turned it down and decided to focus on Ramadan.

One month after Ramadan, I was in the same depressed state. I decided to call school B and try again. Fortunately, they called me in. I went there gave an interview, gave the trial, and got the job.

I joined in the mid of May, went for fifteen days, and got depressed again because I was not able to understand how to cope with it.

Students have their summer vacation in June and July and only senior teachers are called to prepare for the next term. So guess what? I was at home… AGAIN!

In August, when school started again I went and started getting used to it. But you know, whenever I felt like I’d gotten used to it something would happen that’ll make me go nuts. Luckily, I’m a patient person so it worked in my favor.

In my whole two months there, I did everything I could. I worked as hard as I could, cooperate with other teachers, and prove myself. And I did. I was underestimated a lot when I joined the School but it changed with time. The faculty realized my potential.

You know the only time I enjoyed was when I was with the kids. They make you laugh but you’ve to control because you know… you’re a teacher.

After having a great month, it started to go downhill. I originally had a plan of doing the job for three months but I couldn’t bear it. So, in mid-September, I told the faculty that I’ll be here for just another fifteen days.

Why it went downhill? There were multiple reasons but the top most being I hate being told what to do. I am a patient person but this job made me realize that I am not the person who can work under someone. Plus, they give you a lot of work just because you’re new to the system. I know it happens everywhere, but in some cases, it doesn’t stop.

And most of all, I wasn’t happy doing it. It didn’t make me excited.

I left at the end of September and decided never to act on impulse and call another school again.

This experience taught me that not everything is made for everyone. There is a huge difference between being able to study and being able to teach. Often one can ensure the other but not always.

If you give up on something, it does not mean you’re a quitter. It means that you are not that type of job person. You’re a quitter if you don’t decide to put in the effort and become disappointed.

Share your job experiences that you hated in the comments and follow me for more content like this!



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A content writer trying to make her way in the writing world! I have a book blog.https://whytoreadd.blogspot.com/.