How I met my Husband?

Nidhi Kamal Rasaily
4 min readAug 4, 2023


My husband is my best friend, confidante, and an incredible dad to our furry baby. It’s hard to express just how much he means to me. Despite our differences, we complement each other perfectly, and as they say, opposites attract. We’ve been married for four years now and though we can be annoying to each other at times, we wouldn’t have it any other way. When we first met, I never imagined marrying someone like him. He was a wild and carefree party-goer, far from my ideal man. But as time passed, I’ve seen him grow and mature into a calmer, more responsible person. And most surprisingly, that party animal has transformed into a dedicated family man.

If someone had asked me six years ago if I would ever marry or date this guy, I would have said no. As an introvert, I prefer spending my evenings at home with my family, chatting, listening to soft music, or reading a book.

One morning, I woke up and realized that in the next two years, I would officially be a “thirty-something.” It hit me that I should probably start thinking about settling down and getting hitched. All my friends had already walked down the aisle in their early twenties, while I was still stuck in my introverted, repetitive routine. Every day was like Groundhog Day: wake up, work, eat, sleep, repeat. But now, my biological clock was ticking louder than a bomb in a cartoon. And in Indian families, if you’re not married by 30, you might as well wear a scarlet letter on your forehead. Oh, the joys of societal pressure. Back in the day, we didn’t have as many dating apps as Gen Z does now. So when my best friend suggested Tinder, I was like “Tinder? Is that some kind of new wood-burning stove?” But I was serious about finding a partner, so I made sure my bio stated that I wasn’t interested in flings. I didn’t want to end up with a match who was only interested in swiping right for a one-night stand!.

During my search for a partner, I encountered numerous men with varying intentions. Some were serious about finding a lifelong companion, while others were searching for a more casual relationship.

I once met a South Indian who wanted me to speak in Hindi, but every time I did, he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. It was like the guy had never heard Hindi before! And then there was this other guy who wanted to take his time before getting married, but I’m pretty sure he was just stalling so he wouldn’t have to buy a ring. Ah, dating. It’s always an adventure. I also met a pervert who used to be my friend’s boyfriend and is now a happily married man a father of a child but was cheating on his wife and trying to impress girls on Tinder.

To be honest, I didn’t think much of my husband when we first started talking. His opening message of “Hi. what’s up?” didn’t exactly wow me, and when he sent me pictures of himself donating blood to impress me, I thought it was pretty silly. I actually ignored him for a few months before things started to change. It’s funny how things work out sometimes.

I got to admit, one time I crashed at my best bud’s house and we ended up downing a bottle and a half of wine. I have no idea how I managed to dial my hubby at 2 am on Messenger, and I still don’t remember what we talked about. To make matters worse, we ended up swapping numbers too.

The following day, my friend teased me about our long conversation regarding marriage and life after it. I initially dismissed her words because the person we talked about was not someone I would typically consider. However, he called me for the first time, and I found his voice pleasant. I recall how he fibbed about being an avid reader but was eventually exposed.

We began conversing and he seemed determined to impress me. However, I was not easily swayed. Despite his efforts, he struggled to make an impression. He even wrote me a poem, which initially impressed me, but I later discovered that he had simply copied and pasted it from Facebook.

As time passed, we grew at ease with one another. He was able to open up and reveal his true self, and it was during these moments that I fell in love with his kind and genuine nature. The more I got to know him, the more deeply I fell in love. Of course, we are not flawless and make errors, but we learn from them and strive to become better individuals.

I remember my friend saying that relationships are like tea — the longer you let it simmer, the stronger it becomes. We’ve certainly had our ups and downs, but we’ve come out on top and I couldn’t be happier. Knowing that my best friend has my back and supports my dreams is such a blessing. Waking up each day to see him growing and striving to be the best version of himself is truly inspiring. And I’ll always be grateful for that one sleepover that brought us closer together. If it weren’t for that bottle of wine, I wouldn’t have had the privilege of meeting the love of my life, the man I am blessed to call my husband.

Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

