I’ve Been Writing Morning Pages for More Than 3 Months Now.

Is it worth it?

Roua kanj
4 min readJul 12, 2023


writing with a pen
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Morning pages are one of the most productive tools that went widespread in recent years, many say that it shaped their life and way of thinking. Since I am extremely fond of productivity and always look forward to trying new tools and methods in order to enhance my life, I had to give this method a go and see the results myself.

On 28.4.2023, I woke up for the first time, washed up, and headed to grab my new copy book which was meant to be for my morning pages. I started to write everything that came to my mind, I filled the 3 pages with my own thoughts and notions.

I then started to use morning pages to plan my day by choosing the tasks in order to put on my to-do list. Not only this! I used it to negotiate with myself. Do you know that feeling when your mind is divided into two, and each part wants something, but then one part is more dominant than the other? So, it pushes you into doing something which the other part knows that it is wrong? Well, I started to use morning pages to allow those two parts of me to negotiate, and then I always end up going with the better choice because I simply convince myself by myself in order to choose the right thing.

I continued writing those pages on a daily basis that I got attached to them. I once had to skip it in the morning, so I felt that I miss them so much and something is really wrong with my day. To be honest, I felt lost because I did not plan or put my to-do list, this made me appreciate it even more.

note book
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

I love writing morning pages! I can not skip them, so I started to wake up at 5 am in order to write them before going to school, you know they need time and I can not be late to my classes. Waking up at such an early hour is one more productive thing morning pages pushed me to do. I now wake up at such a time or even before all by myself with no alarm because simply my body got used to this even though I am on my summer vacation and can sleep for as much as I want. Now I feel like my day is really longer and can finish many tasks throughout the day. Sometimes I do many things and my family does not even get up, and this makes me feel proud that I am progressing and being ahead of the world.

3 pages are not enough for me now, I need to write more! Many thoughts started popping up in my mind lately, and I feel that I have much to write down in order to empty my thoughts. Hence, I decided to break the rules, usually morning pages are 3 pages long only, but I am currently writing more whenever I feel the need to. The most important thing to me is to write at least 3 pages, this is my own rule, so you can say that I do morning pages my way.

Now, when I look back and read what I wrote before, I am like, “Is this really me? Do I have such beautiful thoughts?” Finally, I discovered that morning pages are a way to know more about myself.

For the last few years, I have been living with a person whom I do not know, and that person is me. I really do not know much about myself. Writing was the way to discover the person residing within and clinging to me like a lifeline, and this is literally the best thing I have ever done! I always complain that I never find a friend with my energy. But writing those pages made me discover that the only person who can have my energy is me, and this is what makes me special and everyone else special. I learned how to be my own best friend because will you ever find someone more loyal to you, wishes you the best, and loves you to death more than “you”?

Recently, I just filled every single page in that copybook with my black ink, so it was time to get a new copy book and I did. I chose a beautiful one with a hardcover to keep for the longest time possible, those are my thoughts and I cherish them, I should keep them. You do not know if I plan to make my future daughter read this to learn from my mistakes and discover who her mother really is. Maybe this notebook will be the source of inspiration for someone, and I would love it to be so. Moreover, it is really nice to read my thoughts when I grow up to see what the 16-year-old version of me was thinking. To see my dreams, to see my thoughts, and look back to admit that this ambitious girl made it. I want to say that it was all worth it, her efforts were all rewarded because she simply deserves it.


This is why I basically advocate for whoever is reading this article to start writing those pages immediately. It will change your mindset and way of thinking! Plus it is really nice to look back when you grow up to see what kind of thoughts and dreams you had back then, this is probably the best gift that you can grant to yourself.



Roua kanj

A girl fond of productivity and wants to make the best out of her life. A girl who dreams to slow dance with the stars. A girl with big aims, here she writes