I Tried Bullet Journaling for 30 Days

Steal the formula, upgrade your life.

Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2023


In the eternal quest for the perfect organizational system, I embarked on a journey that led me to an uncharted corner of the productivity sphere — Bullet Journaling.

As the traditional digital tools failed to satiate my hunger for systematic coherence, I decided to leap into the domain of a manual and personal approach to self-management.

And so, the experiment commenced.

For a full lunar month, from the New Moon to the New Moon, I dived headfirst into this innovative methodology of ‘BuJo’, as it is lovingly known in the community.

This chronicle, dear reader, is my honest narrative and my persuasive argument on the impact, influence, and ineffable transformative power of the Bullet Journal.

As a preface, allow me to impart the crux of Bullet Journaling to the unacquainted.

Conceived by Ryder Carroll, a digital product designer from New York, Bullet Journaling, in its simplest form, is a customizable organization system that blends the role of a to-do list, diary, notebook, sketchbook, and more into a coherent unit.

It’s an analog about-face in our increasingly digital age — a seemingly defiant act against our reflexive dependency on devices.

There was skepticism at first, of course. The romance of paper and pen seemed obsolete in the face of time-saving technologies.

It felt rather regressive, like reverting to a horse-drawn cart from a high-speed bullet train.

Yet, there was also a seductive allure, a promise of the tangible in a world of virtual, a sense of craftsmanship in a universe of automated solutions.

The intrigue was strong enough to make me take that leap of faith.

On the first day, I was immediately swept off my feet by the liberty that Bullet Journaling presented.

There were no preordained structures, no templates to fill in, no applications to install, or updates to wait for.

The world was my oyster, my pen, the pearl, and the journal, the shell.

I could design it to reflect my own reality, which inherently made it more personal and intimate than any digital application.

The act of physically writing and drawing was an unanticipated joy. It made the tasks and goals appear more concrete, and as a result, more achievable.

As days passed, this initial infatuation gradually cemented into a concrete relationship.

The Bullet Journal became more than just an organizational tool; it morphed into an external memory bank, a private confidant, a creative outlet, and a personal coach.

When life surged in with its chaotic torrents, the journal was my anchor, grounding me amidst the tumult.

The systematic ritual of daily logs, monthly logs, future logs, and the threading of tasks allowed me to dissect the chaos into manageable morsels.

Around the two-week mark, a subtle change began to take place. Bullet Journaling started to influence my thought process.

The daily ritual of jotting down and organizing my tasks began to spill over into my cognitive functions.

I noticed a significant improvement in my ability to manage my tasks and time.

The visualization of my progress fostered a sense of fulfillment and, in turn, generated momentum to continue the cycle.

However, the transformation was not just limited to productivity. Bullet Journaling invited introspection and self-awareness, as well.

Regular reflection sessions gave me insights into my patterns, behaviors, and quirks. It was almost like a therapist and a life coach amalgamated into one.

With every bullet, every task, and every note, I began to understand myself a little better, modify my habits, and grow.

By the end of the 30 days, Bullet Journaling had become an intrinsic part of my life.

It not only reshaped my outlook on productivity but also altered my perspective on life itself.

It was no longer just about getting things done — it was about leading a mindful and intentional life.

To sum up, I am here to ardently advocate for the Bullet Journal.

It might not be a universal panacea for all productivity woes, and it does require an investment of time and effort, but it offers something no digital tool can — an intimate journey of self-discovery and growth.

It is not just an organizational system — it is a lifestyle. It is not just a journal — it’s a silent companion on your journey of life.

I implore you to give Bullet Journaling a chance. The initial investment may seem daunting, but the rewards are invaluable.

You might just find it to be the key to the locked doors of your potential.

As for me, I am a convert, and there’s no turning back. Bullet Journaling, ladies and gentlemen, is more than just a fad — it’s a revolution.

And it’s one I wholeheartedly endorse.



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