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Let Go Of this #1 Thing to Reach Your Goals

Breaking free from the question|excuse loop…

Wayne Mullins
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2023


The voice on the other end sounded exhausted and strained.

Finally, after 30 long years, he had done it. He called me all the way from Turkey.

It was my weekly strategy call with my business coach, Lawrence. (Why was he in Turkey? Great question, but I’ll save that story for another time. It’s quite fascinating.)

After exchanging a few pleasantries, he said, “The good news is the thing holding you back is the Question|Excuse Loop. The bad news is the thing holding you back is the Question|Excuse Loop.”

Confused, I asked him to elaborate. He explained, “The quality of your business and life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.

I was taken aback. It made no sense to me at that moment.

At that point in my life, I firmly believed that the quality of my business and life was shaped by external circumstances.

After all, I had absolutely no control over the fact that Ugly Mug Marketing was under investigation by the actual Federal Bureau of Investigation (yes, you read that correctly).

If you’re interested, you can read the story about this incident by following the link provided. It’s definitely worth a read and carries an additional lesson.

Sensing my confusion, Lawrence continued, “Fixing this loop will make it much easier for you to achieve your goals. However, understanding and fully embracing the power of the ‘Question|Excuse Loop’ takes time.”

He was absolutely right.

It took me more than a year to truly grasp its significance, and even now, I constantly work to break free from this detrimental loop.

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, there’s a high probability that you’re caught in this loop as well as you read these words.

The Question|Excuse Loop is sabotaging your chances of reaching your 2023 goals — there’s no doubt about it.

So, let me simplify the explanation of the Question|Excuse Loop and its impact on your goals for 2023…

While pursuing your goals, do you often find yourself asking questions like:

  • Why can’t things be easier?
  • Why does luck favor others?
  • Why does every step forward seem to be followed by setbacks?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • Why is it so challenging to make money?

These types of questions diminish your power to take action and place blame on external factors and circumstances.

These questions always lead to excuses. And your excuses, in turn, prompt more of these limiting questions.

Achieving your goals and embracing excuses cannot coexist.

To reach your goals, you must let go of excuses. This means addressing the Question|Excuse Loop.

When you catch yourself asking these limiting questions, you must train yourself to reframe them into higher-quality questions such as:

  • What skills do I need to develop to make this situation easier?
  • What advantages can I find in not relying on supposed lucky breaks?
  • How can I strengthen my life so that minor obstacles don’t derail my progress?
  • How can I turn this situation into an opportunity?
  • Where can I provide significant value?

Do you see the difference?

The questions you consistently ask yourself can either empower you or foster the excuses you allow from yourself.

Empowering questions should push you. They should challenge you. They may be difficult to answer.

Here are a few empowering questions to help you get back on track for 2023:

  • Am I being sufficiently challenged to grow and improve?
  • What specific areas am I being called to enhance?
  • What specific actions am I being challenged to take that go beyond my current efforts?
  • Who or what is pushing me beyond my comfort zone?

It would be beneficial to write down these questions and revisit them regularly.

Answering these questions is the easier part…

The real challenge lies in asking yourself; What are you going to do with your answers?

That’s where things get scary.

In mid-2009, I faced a difficult question. The answer to that question would have a significant impact on my family’s future and my business.

The question had two possible outcomes; a minivan with a broken transmission or a man on a horse.

But that’s a story for tomorrow.

Now, it’s time for you to take action and pursue your goals.

Wayne Mullins

PS — Having the FBI investigate your business is undoubtedly challenging… …but you know what makes the situation even tougher?

Having two doctors trying to undermine your business during the FBI investigation. No, I’m not exaggerating.

While you may not be dealing with intentional efforts to harm your business or an FBI investigation, your situation might feel just as gloomy and overwhelming.

PPS — What is holding you back from achieving your 2023 goals? Direct Message me on Instagram and let me know.



Wayne Mullins
Writer for

I help freelancers and agency owners build the business they deserve. Here's how 👉