My Burnout Story: Do You Recognize the Early Warning Signs of Burnout?

A draining tale from 2009

Niki Tisza


Image source: Canva Pro

I wish I had avoided falling victim to the collective delusion that burning out is the necessary price for accomplishment and success. — Arianna Huffington

Before becoming a designer, I worked for a bank for 4 years.

I had an amazing job with fantastic people around me who I’m lucky to be still friends with. I started as a teller, and after only two years, I got an opportunity to move up on the corporate ladder by relocating to the capital from the countryside. I was excited and motivated more than ever.

I loved my job.

I couldn’t imagine doing anything else, probably because I was good at it. Exceptionally good.

I got up at 6 AM every day because I started at 7.30 AM in the office, finishing up around 6–7 PM.

During the day, I quickly grabbed lunch and was back at my desk in 20 minutes.

I worked towards some crazy KPIs each month while managing people, dealing with customers’ complaints, working with internal banking systems (terribly designed software — now the designer talking), and always giving my…



Niki Tisza
Writer for

Part-time writer with a 9-to-5 job in UX Design & Research →