My days without earphones

Now I can really hear nature

Sakthi Mahalingam
2 min readSep 23, 2023


Photo by George Milton on Pexels

I was using earphones until last Friday. It’s been more than a week since I used earphones; both the ear pieces were not working properly.

The first day without earphones was my weekend. It had almost driven me crazy. Every night before I went to sleep, I used to watch any videos on social media, web series, movies, or listen to music. The days without earphones were hard to pass.

I had a misconception that I wouldn’t be able to sleep without listening to music or something. Many times, I used to listen to the sounds of birds chirping, rain, waterfalls, ocean waves, and other natural sounds on my mobile device through earphones.

You know what happened on Monday? This was my third day without earphones. There was a downpour at my place. I slept so much earlier than other days, listening to the natural pattering of rain. All this while, I missed experiencing nature by blocking my ears with earphones just to listen to the artificial sound.

When my friends used to advise me to turn on the speaker phone when I received calls, I ignored them and chose to use earphones instead. As I do not have the earphones with me these days, I automatically switch to using the speaker phone option. It gives me a soothing feeling in my ears. To be precise, I don’t feel perspiring in my ears.

The whistling sound of the wind when it passes through the window of my room gives a refreshing feel to my ears.

My ears tingle as I hear the rustling sound of trees when the wind brushes the leaves.

Sitting on the branches of the trees, the birds speak musically with other birds. When I hear their chirping, it provides a soft and pleasant sound.

I have begun to enjoy the wonderful sounds that nature provides. I almost forgot my earphones. However, I have ordered some; I will only use if it’s truly necessary.

Thank you for reading.



Sakthi Mahalingam
Writer for

Write about the happenings in and around my life. Movie-buff. It makes me write fiction sometimes. At present, I'm in search of my favorite genre of books.