My Dog Looks Like Chicken

My unfiltered reality of having OCD and intrusive thoughts

Emily Steinbach
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2023


Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

Yes, the title is true.

I have OCD, and this is something I have been battling since I was twelve years old. My OCD manifests in several ways, but intrusive thoughts that I have no control over are the most common. These thoughts may not make sense to people I can assure you they are very real to me. While everyone's battle with OCD is different, this is my reality.

Let me explain.

A Quick Understanding

Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

If you have no idea what it’s like to have OCD let me help you understand with a quick thought exercise.

Whatever you do don’t think of a pink elephant. You can do anything you want but whatever you do, you CAN NOT think of a pink elephant. The pink elephant definitely should not have any stripes on it either.

You pictured it, didn’t you?

See, having OCD intrusive thoughts are just like trying not to think of a pink elephant. Oftentimes, these thoughts are ironically the opposite of everything you stand for and believe in. If this doesn’t make…

