My Mother’s Ever Green Aloe Plant

Ajayi Joy (Oyiza)
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2023
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

From as early as age 8, I could readily identify the Aloe vera plant. It was a constant presence, ever green and sitting pretty in our yard. Thanks to my mother’s numerous plantings.

Since our backyard was cemented, my mum utilized old broken buckets as base for her Aloe plant. She filled these buckets with enough soil for the plants to thrive, and they did. Each time I observed their growth, they appeared vibrant, big and full. However, it was not until a few years later when my mother decided to she sandfill a corner of the cemented backyard and transplanted some Aloes into the new soil.

I watched with fascination as these newly transplanted Aloes flourished, stretching their arms outward, becoming even more radiant and robust than the ones that grew in the bucket. One morning, while sitting in the backyard, I shifted my gaze from the Aloes in the buckets to those in the ground.

The difference was as clear as crystal!

With no comparison in view, the initial plant had seem bigger to me, but after discovering new soil environment, those that got transplanted gained new grounds. They blossomed.

Then it dawned on me and I couldn’t but notice the significance of environment on not just plant but even we humans.

Both physical and psychological environment have roles to play in the growth of we humans. It is not sufficient to nourish ourselves with water and nutritious food without asking the right questions. Are you in the right environment? If you suspect you’re not, you might need to seek a change of environment. A new perspective.

Both psychological and physical environments play a significant impact on humans. Let’s take this psychological environment example. Imagine a person who is being held by a limiting belief or being surrounded by negativity, and compare the results he’d have to when same person is in a new environment filled with positivity and openness to change.

Or let’s take for example a person who had high levels of stress or mental health issues in the previous psychological environment which led to stagnation, imagine such a person in a new environment, with reduced stress and access to mental health resources. Such a person would be personally transformed.

Photo by Chase Charaba on Unsplash

As basic as physical environment sounds, it’s not. From my story, the first set of Aloes were not maximizing their capacity. Their result was not displaying their full capabilities till they had changed their physical environment.

Do you know that limited economic opportunities in a physical environment can restrict personal growth? And that a move to a place with a stronger job market can provide a means for development?

Do you know that a lack of access to education or resources in the previous physical environment can hinder progress? And moving to an area with better educational institutions and resources can lead to growth?

Do you know that poor physical health due to environmental factors can limit one’s potential? And relocating to an environment with better healthcare, cleaner air, or healthier living conditions can facilitate personal growth?

Well, if you’ve never considered these factors, you should now. You were made for greater heights, live it and blossom.

Back to my original story, I used to think my Mother’s Aloes were to beautify the yard, I later understood that they were her go-to for some skin treatment. I won’t be including the benefits of Aloe vera in this article. Keep watch for my next post💁🏽‍♀️



Ajayi Joy (Oyiza)
Writer for

Writer||CopyEditor&Proofreader||Poet ✨I’m a world of creativity💫