Photo by Paul Szewczyk on Unsplash ko


Benjamin Jonathan Tweet
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2023


I’ve done an article like this before. A free-flowing one where I don’t feel constricted by my overanalytical, OCD mind. Well, I still feel constricted by those things but less. My quandary this time is about peace. Why does it seem so far away sometimes? The picture in the heading of this article is one of the things I consider peaceful. Most likely if you are in the location where this random photo was taken you are on vacation and enjoying yourself by the pool. That’s peaceful to me because on vacation you’re not worrying about work the next day or multiple days. It’s you, the water, a phone, a book, and maybe a friend by the pool.

In my experience, these are the times you dream about the most and that make you feel like a kid again. You feel free and peaceful. I guess water is a symbolism of peace to me. We need to remember the things that give us peace. Life is fast. Life is busy. Fast and busy are not always bad, but we need to remember to slow it down. I need to work on this myself. Just sticking my head in my phone for hours on end trying to figure out ways to improve my life isn’t the peace I need.

There’s a balance though. My wife is a get up and go person whereas I prefer to chill. We don’t want mental burnout. We can both take it to the extremes sometimes but we’ve balanced each other out in these areas. Too much peace can lend itself to the fact that you’re probably not taking enough action in life whereas too much work can make you feel that you’re wasting your life away, working incessantly while life passes you by and your relationships begin falling apart.

I’m blessed that I now have constant access to a swimming pool and I look forward to the peace it will bring me. I’m looking forward to those brief respites away from the busyness of life, even if it’s only for a couple hours each week.

If you haven’t already, please find your peace somewhere. Only you know what brings you the most peace. Maybe it’s a new hobby. Maybe a new creative endeavor. Don’t forget the times where you can just sit down and take a breath and be thankful for the positive things going on in your life. I’m thinking too hard now and I think I’ll end this here before I turn this peaceful article into something ironically not. Lastly though, peace is out there, if you just take the time to look. I hope you’ll find it for yourself soon.

