Rockets Around the Christmas Tree

The Largest Russian Ballistic Attack on Ukraine

Tristan Ruark


Photo of the highrise building a few miles from my apartment that was attacked in Odessa on Dec 28, 2023. Photo from Odessa Info Telegram channel in the public doman.

Two explosions blasted into the night.

Followed by the air raid alarm.


My wife ran into the room and grabbed the baby. Too afraid to move to the elevator, we waited as more explosions shook the building and set off car alarms in the streets below. The boy was staying at a friend’s; we called his mother; she had already put the family in the corridor of their building.

This isn’t the first time this has happened, but something was different. We could feel it. All of Ukraine could feel it.

Earlier in the day, I received a call from a friend in the defense force.

“Don’t ignore the alarm tonight.”

I try not to. But recently, the Russians would send out a Mig, and the alarm would sound. The Mig would fly around, refuel, and then return to base without firing a rocket. We wouldn’t get an all-clear until a few hours later. It lulled a lot of us into a deep sense of complacency.

Since the incident where my daughter and I were caught out in the open with an Iranian-sourced Shahed drone flying overhead, I have become very serious about alarms. I wasn’t…

