That’s Just How Rains Are.

Anishkaa. M
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2023

It was a usual night; I went to my swimming classes. I was very tired that day, I got in the pool did my usual exercises and started swimming.

As I started to get tired, I heard a muffled sound in the water, it was a beautiful sound, which seemed to be getting louder with every passing second, it sounded as if millions of tiny crystals were being dropped onto the surface of the water. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.

I looked up for a while to take a breath, I was faced with a raging storm, rains so heavy I could barely look past my own hand. Cold droplets struck my face, fast, sharp and freezing, I felt like I could live in that moment forever, it felt so peaceful, as if every pain I felt was soothed, every emotion I felt was silenced.

I looked around, mesmerized by the infinite ripples in the water created by the beautiful shower of raindrops, it was magical how the clear and quite blue water broke into this beautiful dance of a million ripples in merely a few seconds.

I dunked my head back in the water, the water felt colder, I could feel the cold droplets hit my body, I wished only for a moment that I could swim on like this forever, my fatigue, my pain, my shortness of breath all disappeared for those few moments, I was happy.

The water grew darker as I moved into the deeper parts of the pool, I could feel my muscles giving up and slowing down.

“The end’s close just a little more,” I thought to myself as I reached the end of the pool. I was tired, short of breath and my face felt as if it was on fire. I closed my eyes for a second and felt every drop that hit my body, calming myself down and breathing.

I dunked myself into the water to practice my breath. As I looked around through my swim goggles, I was in awe with the view that stood before me — uncountable tiny little bubbles floating around in every direction, a beautiful dance of the light rays penetrating through the water. I looked below me; the reflected light moved with the water, as if it was moving to the music of the rain.

I emerged out of the water — it was almost time to go. A few seconds later, the rain came to a stop. It was as if the world had silenced and come to a stop. The petrichor spread through the air.

I got out of the water, stepped onto the slippery tiles, it was cold and it smelled like heaven, I felt calm and peaceful.

That’s how rains are — everyone knows how it works, the evaporation, condensation and this and that, but even after the knowledge, rains always seem magical.

Rains are so much beyond just showers of water; they’re storms of emotions. Happiness for some, sadness for others, make some angry, excited, bored, or romantic — there’s just so much rain can make you feel.

Rain has the power to soothe every pain, even if it is only for a mere moment, the power to silence every overwhelming emotion, the power to mesmerize every viewer.

Imagine, just sleeping on a cold cement floor, feeling every drop that hits your bare skin, a million thoughts silenced and million emotions dissipated. Just you, the sound of the rain and sting of the cold drops on your skin.

Some of you must love that image, some you must hate it, but like I said rain can make one feel a lot, it is different for every life.

For me, it always reminds me that there are times even the clouds overflow and even the heavens cry, and that thought itself makes me feel safe. It brings my heart back home.

Every time I dance in the rain or even just watch it from afar, I feel beautiful as myself, comfortable in my own skin, I feel at home, because that’s just how Rains are, isn’t it?

Take a look around yourself; you will see the heaven nature painted for you…

Thank You…

©Anishkaa. M




Anishkaa. M
Writer for

I write; not to be heard by the World, but to be heard by Myself... Writing Life since 2014.