The Aftermath of Failing an Exam

Spoiler alert, it sucks!

Avuma Flatela


Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

Ever since I found out that I failed one of my exams, I have felt like everything in my life is falling apart. I was surprised every morning when the sun came out and the earth was still spinning on its axis because I thought for sure that it was the end of the world.

I sobbed on the floor for hours inconsolably because that exam had single-handedly wiped away everything I had accomplished in my eighteen years on this earth. It crushed every ounce of self-esteem I have. It stole everything I used to love about me and replaced it with the word failure.

I branded myself as a failure and carried the weight of that word with me everywhere, and it was super heavy. It stripped me of my identity until all that was left was the echo of this one word.

It seeped into everything I did, from making my morning coffee to taking my other exams. It made me doubt myself and everything I thought that I could be.

In my mind, I had not only failed myself, but I had failed my whole family, my primary school principal, that random 8th grader that called me smart last year, and every single person that I have ever interacted with.

As Amber Scholl, one of my favorite YouTubers noted that the worst part about not being where you think you should be in life is that you lose your belief in your dreams.

There is no silver lining or motivation about failing in this article. I just wanted to let you know how much failing sucks.



Avuma Flatela
Writer for

I am a psychology student on my journey to becoming my best self. This is a personal development blog to help you enhance your life.