The Recipes For the Perfect Friend Hang

It’s not what you think

Hadley Pearce
2 min readOct 28, 2023


Photo credit: Spice Girl Instagram

Friendship can be hard. Especially as we get older. Lives get busier. Priorities shift. As someone who has moved a lot as an adult (and struggled with friendships as a kid), I feel very grateful to have finally found my crew.

It’s taken time and has definitely ebbed and flowed (as they tend to when you move a lot) but in general, I have an amazing group of girlfriends.

Just today, my friend MC told me her theory on the perfect friend hang… and as someone who grew up in the 90s, It. Is. Awesome.

The theory is this… the best friend hang involves some combination of the Spice Girls.

I know, I know. I already sense the quizzical brows… But hear me out.

The Spice Girls are a dynamic combination of 5 very different personalities that somehow create a beautiful, synchronous balance.

Baby, Posh, Scary, Sporty and Ginger. Each has its own unique style and personality but comes together to form one of the greatest girl bands of the 90s.

For example, today MC and I met up to get her new earrings (Posh), play pickleball (Sporty) and get a drink (Ginger).

It may be hanging at the house watching a chick flick (Baby) while making cocktails (Ginger).

Or going out dancing (Scary) after a 12-mile hike (Sporty).

But do you see how it works?

All of the 5 elements add something different and interesting to the time together. As a matter of fact, this could even be applied to dating.

Things stay interesting and exciting. It creates opportunities for new conversations and debates. It’s so easy to get into the same routine. Happy hour after work, running group on the weekend. It can get redundant. Which decreases our creativity and therefore can impact the connections we have.

So next time you’re making plans with friends or a date night, think about which Spice Girls you want to take along. Even if you just try it out once. It’ll certainly make the time together interesting.



Hadley Pearce
Writer for

Brain scientist, knowledge mobilizer, and writer with the goal of making research accessible and relatable to everyone.