Things that you miss in time

Thousand Words or Less
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2023

When I think of people who have left my life there are certain things, I miss desperately about them. These are the friends who have grown apart, the loves that have lapsed and those who are gone forever. In moments of joy or sorrow I find myself thinking “wouldn’t it be great to…” call my mother and hear her say you’re going all the right things, to celebrate with that over-the-top friend who knows the little wins are just as important in the day on day, or to simply visit a grandparent and sit in an ungodly hot living room in simple silence.

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I find myself reflecting on these things more as I approach my birthday and another year of figuring out who I was and who I am now comes to an end. For me, I thought that I would miss their physical presence the most, the sound of their voices, their smells or sounds of them in a home. But it turns out that in the still of a day, a routine Sunday morning, I simply miss them and the time we had together. I miss the comfort of knowing someone will always pick up the phone when I call, that someone knows me so completely that they can see through the happiness, sadness, frustration on my face, or hear a new idea and excitement in my voice, can just be with those who could let certain things go unsaid.

Sometimes it’s me I miss. That version of me that they helped build up with support, love, and care.

You know, time is a funny thing, but it isn’t magic. There’s no length of time that I’ll hit and find that my heart has healed, and I no longer miss these people or that I could even miss them less. The only gift time will give me is a different form of grief as it marches on. It won’t be able to recreate the relationships or special moments that I think of as I do the dishes, or complete another home project, or reach for my phone and almost dial before I realize the ones I want to answer aren’t there.

I have written about time before and at different points in my life it has been a friend and/or a foe and sometimes it simply plays cruel jokes. In the moments where my mind and heart miss these people the most, I must remind myself that they’re gone — time and time again. That’s the hardest part — the reminder that those I wish were here aren’t and that time didn’t stop. Despite my best efforts to beg it to stop.

Over the past year, I have been working hard to get to know myself again, to understand the me that remains. Trying to find a way to be friends with the passing of time and the missing pieces of my puzzle.

Love Ray



Thousand Words or Less
Writer for

The world through the eyes of this broken hearted girl. Growth with imperfection and grief. Insta: @thousandwordsorless