What I learn from the blue sky…

Timi Diary
3 min readAug 4, 2023


Photo by Natasha Miller on Unsplash

Today’s blue sky taught me one valuable lesson: Things, will always change in time.
A little while ago, I saw clouds covering the vast expanse of the parchment sky, but soon enough, the sun burst through and dyed the gray sky a stunning blue.

The sky turned blue as if to mirror the joy of the sun, conveying a special message: they want me to smile like them, smile in the present and the future, until the final curtain eventually falls and takes me away. Because with a smile, everything that brings sadness will gradually fade over time, and life will start to feel more joyful.

Every now and then, I know it will be cloudy again, the cloud will blanket the entire canvas of the sky sometimes, making it gray and dull, but I won’t be worried even if it rains heavily afterward, because I know precisely, once again, “things, will change in time.”

“Blue sky will soon appear, perhaps this time, even better with a vibrant rainbow.”

Nothing lasts forever, neither the gray sky, nor the blue sky, nor the rain, nor the rainbow, they come and go, much like happiness and sadness, they occur one following the other, repeatedly, and regularly. All of this is a series of events, a cycle of life. For the only constant thing in life is change itself.

As one said, “C’est La Vie…”

This is life, so be with it.

But, here is a thing I see: Regardless of how many times the gray sky returns and takes over, the blue sky always comes back to brighten the day. The blue sky always tries to appear as many as it can and eventually overcome the gray sky. Isn’t that the same as happiness that comes more often than sadness in life? that both happen one after the other but happiness always replaces sadness in the end?

Joy will reveal itself after the sorrow…

So I keep in my mind, for every sadness, there will be happiness that comes after. After every ending, a new beginning is about to start. In every failure and mistake, there is an opportunity to learn and grow. And in the midst of the misery, there always be precious moments to cherish, like a rainbow after the rain, like a morning after the night ends, or even if the rain won’t finish, there is a chance to dance in the rain, even if the night seems endless, there is a chance to see shining stars in the dark.

I move forward with unbreakable will, breathe solely with resolve, and clamber up a mountain full of enigma, I won’t be scared no matter if the sky turns gray, dull, gloomy, or dark. I’ll enjoy every moment of life with all its twists and turn, and never lose hope in all ups and downs.

Later if I fall, I will jump higher,

Later If I fail, I will try harder.

For I know, “Blue sky will always come, it has no other choice.”



Timi Diary

Indonesian. Auditor. Writer. Dreaming to be a lecturer. I write my life experience, short story, self-awareness, and random thoughts. I am still learning.