What Can You Do That ChatGPT Can’t? Asked My Potential Boss

Is it time to think about a new career?

Мaria Kriskovich
3 min readAug 27, 2023


Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

I had a job interview with a tech founder for the position of Head of Marketing. They told me this would not be an interview. Just friendly talk.

During our friendly talk, the founder humiliated me twice:

What can you actually do? I see you have 7 years of experience in content marketing. But what is the point? We use ChatGPT.

I froze. Nobody had ever said anything like that to me.

I asked him a question:

How can you suggest topics for ChatGPT to write about if you don’t have a content strategy behind those topics?

He didn’t know.

Who is going to verify that everything it makes up is legitimate?

No response.

But it didn’t matter, did it? My skills did not matter because they used ChatGPT.

I’ve seen many tech startup founders rely too much on ChatGPT. It might be good for Google, but what about people?

The truth is: people love stories. People want to interact with other people. Look at their faces. If a story lacks a hero, antagonists, a decisive battle and a happy ending, then it is merely a random copy.

You are the only one who can say who the hero of your brand or product is. Product storytelling can help you create a deeper connection with potential clients and make sure they remember your brand. We don’t want a MacBook because we read website copy, whoever wrote it, but because we imagine ourselves as photographers, video editors, and other creators. We enjoy playing the role of Apple’s heroes.

Meanwhile, the tech founder continued to doubt my abilities.

What can you do on your own? I see you are just a project manager. He finalised.

Even more confusing. Those guys were looking for a lead to help them build a team. What was the point of inviting me in the first place? ChatGPT would likely be able to better hire and educate them.

They surprised me by sending me an offer three days later, but by then I was already fed up with that founder. In addition, the salary was low for the position with a 7-month raise.

I proudly declined that offer. For the first time in my life. And I would have done it even if I had not had another offer.

Perhaps one day people will understand when and when not to use AI. For example, bots cannot replace all customer service. Otherwise, you will get incredibly irritating and artificial customer service, similar to what I recently had with Air Asia when I tried to change my ticket.

This story made me think about getting a degree in a field other than marketing. If ChatGPT replaces marketers, analysts, developers and support teams, who is going to stay?

Hopefully, I still have a choice to work with managers who understand people and what is going on in their heads. Because ChatGPT will not be able to read people’s minds. At least in the near future.



Мaria Kriskovich
Writer for

Writer, traveler, B2B marketer and peaceful warrior. Read between the lines.