When Life Dipped, Allah’s (SWT) Plan Lifted — My Job Revelation

A story about how my job taught me to spread joy as Allah (SWT) intended.

Ibrahim Salami
5 min readSep 1, 2023


Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash

The next phase of my life began with a phone call. Some pension boards called me in for a job interview. At a moment when I was lost and searching for a clue to move forward in life. I’d spend hours cooped up in my room. I didn’t have any friends.

As an introvert, I was okay with it but deep inside I felt lonely. I might try to convince myself it’s nothing — find something to distract myself with (movies, video games, or a creative project). I thought I had a plan but Allah (S.W.T) had greater plans for me. I responded to the job interview offer with excitement but also doubt. How was I gonna keep building my dream business with a full-time job? I was miles away from home living in my uncle’s apartment. As I reflect, I just realized how gloomy my life was.

I kept searching, brain-dumping my ideas, and trying things out. But nothing was working and I was getting frustrated. I needed to have something worth presenting to my family at home for they were going to question me.

The Job Interview

I still remember how unprepared I was for the interview. I had it online with some executives and HR teams. I got most of the questions they asked wrong dressed in an unprofessional outfit. The interview rounded up quickly as they had other interviewees to attend to. I had lost hope. There’s no way I’m getting this job. I didn’t want it anyway. It was kind of a sales rep position. For an introvert, this is the worst job you could get.

The Next Call

A few weeks after I got back to my hometown. Stressed and unsure about what I was gonna do. Feeling anxious and behind in life. I got another phone call from the company. I was in training trying to learn about entrepreneurship or something. At the lowest point of my life, I was invited for a medical test the next day. This was amazing news. My job confirmation was getting closer.

The company has a knack for contacting me at the lowest point in my life. That’s when I realized it was God-sent. After all, I wrecked my interview. My parents bathed me in joy.

The next day, I arrived at the company with my mom. It took us a while to locate the company but with some help from people, we did. The company was a huge turn-off. Not an ideal environment for an introvert like me. I remember my stomach feeling upset that day.

I waited and waited after the medical test feeling uneasy. Did I lose the job? What’s taking so long? I have been living with a leg length discrepancy for a while now. Maybe they were turned off by my raised shoe. Thoughts flooded my mind. To fuel the fire, my parents were thinking the same thing. It’s one thing to be anxious, but it’s way worse to watch my parents feel anxious too.

Long story short, I got the job. Alhamdullilah. The pay is great too. I resumed the same day as another employee. He’s the definition of an extrovert. He connects with everyone flawlessly. He somehow managed to get me to open up too. I connected with my coworkers pretty quickly.


I want to use this chance to talk about exposure. This job taught me about what life is all about. I never thought I’d enjoy being in the company of others. It can get overwhelming at times. But I think we all need some sort of exposure as humans. I love the field trips we go on as business development reps.

The company of coworkers

This job taught me the value of friendships and checking in on old pals. I love that feeling I get when I get to meet friends or mentor figures I had in universities.

I love the chats we have at work and the jokes we make. I love how they try to get me out of my shell. I love when we get to reap the rewards of our efforts. I love the food stops we make on a field trip. I love putting a smile on people’s faces. I love the little moments we spend praying together. I love the challenge.


I used to look for happiness with a broken compass I didn’t realize I was in a field of flowers.

I used to be so anxious about the future that I forgot to cherish and be grateful for what I already had.

I used to look for puzzles to solve that I forgot to reward myself for the ones I’ve already solved

I’m fortunate to have learned this lesson pretty early in life. Life is short, you never know what your next adventure will be. The sun was starting to rise, and I’ve been noticing the joy around me.

Living life embracing the unknown

There’s always a new adventure up ahead. Something to be excited or anxious about. We can’t control this. So your energy is better spent focusing on what you can control. Turning to Allah. He’s got the keys. He knows what’s up ahead. For he’s the one that created us, he knows what you like and dislike, he knows what makes you happy, and he knows what the future holds. If there’s one advice I’d give to my past self. I’d say.

  • Get out of your head and talk to people a bit.
  • Step outside your comfort zone and try new things out.
  • Check up on families, friends, and coworkers
  • Go touch grass and
  • Turn to Allah (SWT) in moments of doubt and happiness

Life is simpler if we live it with the assurance that the future has already been written for us and there’s a higher figure watching over us. Live, thrive, and let go.

