Why I’m Happy I Finished College (even with a “POINTLESS” degree)

The story I haven’t shared. And how I turned my life around.

3 min readSep 4, 2023


Zohvib. Life Story. College Degree
Photo by Daniel Olivier via Pexels

Are you one of those people who chose a college degree based on job prospects, rather than pure passion? I certainly was.

I dove headfirst into a finance degree, with all its numbers, graphs, and equations. And let me tell you, I am no mathematician.

In fact, math and I are like oil and water — just not meant to mix.

But even though my coursework rarely lit a fire in my belly, completing my degree did something incredible: it brought me closer to understanding myself better.

Finding My True North — The Psychology Connection

So, you may ask, why did I even opt for finance if I have such an affinity for psychology?

Well, sometimes we make choices for stability rather than passion.

Who can blame us? The bills won’t pay themselves, right?

Yet, as I plowed through balance sheets and market trends, I kept my side romance with psychology alive. I voraciously read up on the human mind, emotional intelligence, and the interplay between thoughts and actions.

While I couldn’t discuss these topics in my finance classes, they fueled me and offered a more profound understanding of my own motivations and those of the people around me.

But wait a minute — am I telling you that a so-called “pointless” degree in finance actually paved the way for my passion for psychology?

Yes, indeed. And here’s why.

How My “Pointless” Degree Helped Me

Our society has a knack for making us feel like our worth is tied to our job titles, our salaries, or the acronyms after our name.

But isn’t life more than that?

My journey with a finance degree, seemingly disconnected from my real interests, did something invaluable.

It taught me discipline, the importance of hard work, and how to balance different aspects of my life. These are life skills, folks.

And guess what? These very skills can be applied anywhere, including my thirst for psychological understanding.

Imagine your life as a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece, whether it’s your job, your relationships, or your hobbies, is vital to completing the overall picture.

Sometimes we find pieces that don’t seem to fit anywhere — like my degree in finance.

But, surprise, surprise: you turn it, flip it, and eventually, it snugly fits into place, completing a part of your life you didn’t even know was missing.

Here’s Why I’m Unapologetically Happy

So, was my degree pointless? Far from it.

I came out of college not just with a certificate to hang on my wall but also with life lessons that can’t be quantified.

I found my true interests not despite my finance degree but because of it. I ventured into areas I would never have discovered otherwise.

What’s the key takeaway here? Don’t let societal norms or judgements define your happiness or your path.

If you’ve found worth in what others label “pointless,” then that alone makes it invaluable.

Remember, happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. And my seemingly “pointless” degree is a landmark I’m proud to have visited.

So, what about you? Are you holding onto something that others consider worthless, but you know has shaped you in unimaginable ways?

Remember, the most fulfilling lives are often the ones that follow the most winding paths. Don’t be afraid to take that journey.

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Peace & love,




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✨ I write about productivity + humans + writing.