RealChain FAQs

Real Chain
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2018

Dear RealChain community members,

We have made a list of frequently asked questions and we hope that helps you better understand RealChain project.

Please stay tuned for more updates!

What is RealChain?

RealChain is a decentralized, blockchain-based system that uses AI image recognition technology to build trusted data centers for high-end consumer good and collections. Real Chain aims to improve transaction transparency while reducing both fraud risk and transaction cost.

What is RCT?

RCT is short for RealChain Token, the token used in RealChain ecosystem. As the unit of exchange in the in RealChain ecosystem, any transactions that involve the identification of high-end consumer goods require the use of RCT.

Is RealChain a domestic project or international project?

The RealChain foundation is registered in the Cayman Islands. The operation team is located in China. Please refer to the white paper for more details.

What is the relationship between RealChain and TaoDangPu(TDP), and with 360 and JD Fiance?

TaoDangPu is in a strategic partnership with RealChain. TaoDangPu will provide the needed resources. Both will collaborate in the market for the appraisal of high-end consumer goods. You can think TDP as the full carrier for RealChain in China. 360 and JD Fiance are stockholders.

What’s the total supply of RCT? And the circulating amount?

Total amount of RCT is 1 billion. It’s proposed to have 700 million including the lock parts in circulating. The current circulating amount is about 400 million excluding the lock part.

Where does RCT currently trade on (as of 01/22/2018)?

For international English users, the exchange platform is OKEX,

What are the official channels for RealChain?

Official Wechat Account

Official Website:




Medium Page:



QQ Group

What is the lockup plan for RealChain

As shown in the White Paper page 43 (image attached below), 30% tokens will be pre-allocated to the RealChain team & partners, for developing the technology & operating the Foundation. The token allocation for both TDP and for the RealChain team and partners will be subject to a long-term (30 months) vesting period. A further 10% RCT are proposed to be held in reserve for future release by the Foundation to end-users, to jumpstart the use of the RealChain applications and to encourage participation in the ecosystem. The RCT to be distributed is intended spur adoption of various RealChain processes and applications (such as voting on dispute resolution, setting up RealChain wallets, etc.), and completion of Smart Contracts on the RealChain network.

When will the RealChain code become available?

Due to patent and intellectual property protection requirements for the development of the smart hardware and AI system, this part of the research and development is closed source. Thus, this content will not be updated until there is a breakthrough in the future.

