RealChain Invited to be the Keynote Speaker in the 2018 TOKENSKY BlockChain Conference in Seoul

Real Chain
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2018

2018 TOKENSKY Block Chain Conference (Seoul, South Korea)

The March Seoul session of 2018 TOKENSKY Block Chain Conference and Token product and equipment exhibition will be the largest scale token economic and block chain industry conference up until then, surrounding the topic of “Token change the world”. It invites more than ten thousand people to get together in Seoul, including top-class economists, scholars, financiers, investors, geeks, industry leaders, programmers, miners, upstream and downstream enterprises in the block chain industry, exchanges, service providers, media and token amateurs from different countries, collectively discussing about various global problems, opportunities and challenges with respect to block chains.

At TOKENSKY the first global token product and equipment exhibition, several hundred tokens will bloom together and compete with each other. The latest displays and new mining technologies and equipment of nearly 100 exchanges will be shown at TOKENSKY. Let’s get together in Seoul, communicating and exchanging ideas. A token market of over hundreds of billions of dollars is growing explosively.

Conference VIPs

There will be many well-known blockchain pioneers, project founders, investors and more, including:

VITALIK BUTERIN Ethereum Founder/ Chief scientist of the universal block chain Laboratory

Roger Ver CEO Called as “Bitcoin Jesus”

Charles Lee Founder of Litecoin

Craig Wrightn ChainChief Scientist. One of the earliest developers of Bitcoin

Changpeng Zhao CEO of Binance

Huobi Chief Strategy Officer

Alexander Ivanov CEO of Waves Platform. Global public block chain platform

SimonDixon CEO and Co-founder of BnkToTheFuture

Ian Grigg Partner of

RealChain — Keynote Speaker and Co-organizer

RealChain was invited to participate in the 2018 TOKENSKY Block Chain Conference and Token product and equipment exhibition in Seoul. RealChain will present our application and smart hardware products. RealChain is the keynote speaker for the conference, and the co-organizer of this blockchain big event.

Stay tuned for more exciting News from RealChain!

