RealChain Project Progress Update

Real Chain
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018


Hi Community Members:

It’s time for our weekly report. Here are the status updates.

Themis Module

The Themis module is the first RealChain project that uses the “Smart Contract” functionality, which records the original information of commodity goods and marks the creator institutions.

[This Week]

  • Started building more realistic testing environment for RCT data from Ethereum network, 70% completed.
  • Built and developed the hash interface for RCT token conversion transaction via ethernet, 40% completed.
  • Considering integrating other modules within the system, we rebuilt the build system, improved the cmake system in ethernet. This will improve the process of adding dependencies from other modules.

[Next Week]

  • Complete rebuilding the build system.
  • Continue working on integration into the Ethereum network.

Forseti Module

TaoDangPu currently has records over 300 thousand commodity goods. For historic reasons, this data was recorded with multiple metadata schemas and saved as different media types. It would cost prohibitive to manually input into the data into system. The Forseti module will solve this issue by connecting the legacy system to the Blockchain Infrastructure..

[This Week]

  • Continued working on the clustering algorithm based on word segmentation, automatically format the abnormal items. Built the labels by manually identifying the abnormal items, compared the performance results between kmeans clustering and hierarchical clustering algorithm.
  • Added the interface for transferring the commodity goods basic information, recognized the images with alpha channel, completed the file extension convention for “.tag” images.
  • Complied the OCR framework, packaged with character recognition algorithm based on text and pixel parameters.

[Next Week]

  • Identify the use cases for the two different clustering algorithms.
  • Test the character recognition algorithm with OCR printed text.

Minerva module:

Only the metadata and SHA256 information from commodity information was saved on the blockchian of RealChain. In traditional IT system, real media data (regardless of being encrypted or not) is temporarily saved on media library system.

[This Week]

  • Continued evaluating the CEPH distributed file system. Completed the performance efficiency test on the small files, according to system IOs, network bandwidth.
  • Continued improving the test cases, current status 70/79.
  • Added the real-time log module, asynchronous writing of the data state into the log file, preventing the data loss.

[Next Week]

  • Complete the rest of the test cases.
  • Continue performance testing, conclude the best optimal parameters for running.
  • Test the async log module.

International Community Development:

  • Over 500 connections on Facebook with regularly updates and weekly report updates.
  • Over 10,000 users from the Chinese telegram group and over 9,000 users from the English telegram group. There are active users discussion and updates from both groups.
  • Over 8,000 followers on Twitter. 993 retweets and 732 “like”s on the first post. Quickly generated many reaction from the latest weekly report.
  • Generated over thousands views in the first three days after the post on BitcoinTalk Forum. Many users support and in favor of the future development in RealChain.
  • Built the project page on Reddit.

Marketing Collaboration:

  • 2018 TOKENSKY Block Chain Conference and Token product and equipment exhibition

Invited to participate in the 2018 TOKENSKY Block Chain Conference and Token product and equipment exhibition in Seoul. RealChain will present our application and smart hardware products. RealChain is the keynote speaker for the conference.

  • North America BlockChain Association (NABA)

RealChain and NABA reached agreement on collaboration. We will promote the technology to identify fake high-end luxury products based on blockchain and AI image recognition.

Note: Due to the patent and intellectual property protection requirements for the development of the smart hardware and AI system, this part of the research and development is closed source. Therefore, the content will not be updated until there is a breakthrough in the future.

