2021: Realis community

Realis Network
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2021

Greetings, our dear community members! This year was not only full of achievements related to our projects, but also to the serious growth of our community and the communication instruments we use. Realis’s marketing strategy turned out to be extremely effective, thus we want to share the results with you. This is the second part of the recap dedicated to our 2021, and let us begin — it’s little time left to say goodbye to this leaving year!

Numbers and social media

The first evident component of our marketing success is our Twitter account. Indeed, the marketing team did a great job: this account was opened in July, so the number of subscribers was 0. Right now we have 111,000 subscribers and this number is growing every day. Furthermore, the general engagement rate is around 5%, which is good for such a big account. We have used Twitter as a platform for numerous amounts of promotions and announcements, so we can see that our community likes the way we handle our social media — and the numbers prove it! Hope we can breach 200,000 in half of a year or maybe even less.

If we talk about the social component of our job, we need to mention the renewal of our general style. Realis got rebranded a while ago, changing the logo and its colors — turned out to be a great decision. Updated graphics on Medium seemed to be appreciated by our users since the fact, that number of subscribers there raised from 100 to 1,200. Humble numbers indeed, but they are showing the general tendency of Realis making a breakthrough from the marketing side — and the next part will show you that it is so.

In the last part of this segment, we would like to mention Telegram chat, which also increased from around 60,000 members in summer to more than 110,000. Following the fact, that we see a rising interest in our products, we have launched our community Discord this autumn. Right now we are already having 57.831 users there with active users, so this is another way of us expanding the communication between the players and the team.

Contests and social presence

Before this year we were mainly focusing on the products that we make, but in 2021 we have started to promote Realis elsewhere. Since summer we have conducted several AMAs, where our CEO, Sergey Zasorin, discussed harsh topics and interesting questions. The main idea was to make other people know about Realis, so we can expect some fresh community members to join! As you see, that worked — we are building up the mentions about us and our games. This year we have only had AMAs with CIS region channels and chats, but if to speak about 2022 — we plan to attract international users as well. Right now our marketing team actively researches the possibilities for it, so you can be sure that next year our social presence will drastically rise.

It is good to work for the newcomers, yes, but we have also focused to award our community for their creativity and suggestions they have for the Realis team. We have conducted many contests — create-a-hero, create-an-item ones, the contest among those who play and compete in Legends of Listeria: they were all greatly appreciated by our users since around 100,000 $LIS were given as rewards to our community! In the upcoming 2022 we plan to introduce to you even more of them, so every community member will be able to get some bonus $LIS tokens in order to make playing in our games even more entertaining!

That is how our team spend this year — constantly working on improving our products and raising our social presence in order to bring you one of the best products blockchain gaming has ever witnessed. Happy New Year, dear Realis community — see you in 2022 with even more news, promos, and updates! Subscribe to our social media not to miss any of them!

Official website: https://realis.network

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realisnetwork

Chat: https://t.me/RealisENG

Discord: https://discord.gg/invite/realis

Announcements: https://t.me/RealisANN

Merge Cats: https://soulmerge.page.link/NewsTgCats

Crypto Dragons: https://dragoevolution.page.link/detg

Legends of Listeria: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.game.moba.realis.battle.royale&hl=en&gl=US



Realis Network

Realis is the world’s first platform for launching mobile games using blockchain technologies for a mass audience