2021: The Realis review

Realis Network
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2021

Greetings, our dear community members! The year is fastly passing away, but we could not say “goodbye” to 2021 without a little recap of all achievements that we had, thanks to our community and our team members. Today we are going to tell you about some interesting stats of our projects and general significant implementations that our developers completed, hope that you will like it! Tomorrow we will also release the second part of this recap: it will consider our social media, contests, and other important media metrics. So, let’s come to the first part — Merge Cats, Crypto Dragons, and Legends of Listeria games stats!

Confident and stable growth of our projects

Recently we have announced that Merge Cats has breached 1,000,000 installations at Google Play, which is a very remarkable number indeed. Nevertheless, installations do not describe the tendency well enough, even though we are extremely grateful to our community for it, so let’s talk about the metrics that we have. At the beginning of 2021, we had 23,913 users in total that were playing Merge Cats, and by the end of the same year, it has become 13 times more and now is more, than 300,000 players, which can be truly considered as a breakthrough. If to speak about daily active users, we had only 4,200 of them and now the number increased more than ten times: to 58,000. Such breakthroughs we can also see in monthly active users: from 21,550 to 299,040 in twelve months, thanks to our marketing and development team! We would like to finalize the Merge Cats segment with the number of $LIS tokens won in bingo — around 900,000, thus making a step to make our community the biggest token holder, just as we planned.

Crypto Dragons are a bit younger than their senior brother, but the second project of Realis is catching up. Let’s keep in mind, that we have only launched it in March, so in eight months we have built an audience of 224,000 users! Back when we have started, we had only 3,000 daily active users, but right now we see a drastic increase to the number of 49,000! Monthly active also raised from 12,750 in March to 223,000 in December, so we can consider our second project as a success. The total number of installations proves our point — 756,000 is also remarkable. Another sign of our community welcoming this game is the number of $LIS tokens won in bingo — 953,000, even more than in Merge Cats! After that, we have gained the confidence to release our dream game — Legends of Listeria.

In November we have released it to the open beta and since then we have already gained 78,000 installations in Google Play. The actual audience size is around 28,000, which is, let’s say, pretty good for a game still on testing and being released for two months only. 2,500 users play our game on the daily basis, 38,000 play it on a monthly one. Those numbers are reassuring, Legends of Listeria community grows stable, so right now we just need to fulfill all of our promises to the users, so this project can become a game-changer in the whole blockchain gaming industry.

Other important development achievements

The most significant one is moving from $SOUL to $LIS, of course. That was done considering our preparations to create our unified gaming universe, thus we have required a new token model and new top tech solutions for it. To all our community members that afraid about listing — do not worry, our team does its best, and, as our CEO, Sergey Zasorin, said on the recent Incrypted AMA — we plan and hope to conduct it in Q1 2022, even though there are no particular dates yet. To sum up, we have made our first step to launch Realis metaverse, but our team still has a long path to walk.

The other grand achievement — Legends of Listeria launch. It has required us to broaden the team up to 75 members to match with the deadlines and development purposes that we had, but on these last days of 2021 we can say for sure — we are happy with the results. Our dream projects start to be up and running, the community recognizes our ideas and plans regarding Listeria, so we have a clear direction. In 2022 the game will be significantly improved, so be sure you won’t miss this out.

To finalize this article: we have also launched the Realis architecture on blockchain testnet and prepared our first two projects to transfer to the play-to-earn economy, but most important is that by the end of 2021 we can finally be sure — we are doing the things right. Thanks to all who have supported us, subscribe to our social media, and be ready for the second part about our social stats tomorrow, where we finally say “goodbye” to this year and thank our community!

Official website: https://realis.network

Twitter: https://twitter.com/realisnetwork

Chat: https://t.me/RealisENG

Discord: https://discord.gg/invite/realis

Announcements: https://t.me/RealisANN

Merge Cats: https://soulmerge.page.link/NewsTgCats

Crypto Dragons: https://dragoevolution.page.link/detg

Legends of Listeria: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.game.moba.realis.battle.royale&hl=en&gl=US



Realis Network

Realis is the world’s first platform for launching mobile games using blockchain technologies for a mass audience