How complete is your WFH set-up?

Some home-office tips based on what works for me

Paolo Cuomo
Realistic Life Management (RLM)


So, in the UK we’re back into Lockdown 2.0 and realistically for office workers we don’t expect to be back in the office until well into next year. Even once we are in many cases it will never be five days a week again. That, combined with the fact that walk-and-talk meetings are going to be increasingly limited by the weather, temperature and lack of sunlight we really all need to have a great desk set up.

I’m no expert, beyond of course the 2000+ hours I’ve been doing it this year, but here are thoughts on what I’ve done and what I’m planning. You’ll work out what fits your situation best but I’ve seen examples of excellent setups squeezed into corners of small apartments in London, Paris and Milan. So, even if you don’t have luxury of windows as I do there hopefully you can work out a set up that is comfortable, ergonomic and effective.

Once you’ve reflected on the ideas below you might also want to think about how to drive a WFH reset.

The heart of the set up


Large monitor — this is what you’re staring at eight hours per day so a key part of the investment. This one is a 32-inch Samsung which I bought a few years back. It’s lightly curved, though…

