Quickfire Tip # 66: Leave a WhatsApp Audio Message

Get more emotion into your messages — another actionable tip from ‘Realistic Life Management’

Paolo Cuomo
Realistic Life Management (RLM)
2 min readFeb 27, 2021


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Messaging incessantly on your phone is by now a norm across most ages, genders and cultures. Plenty of people are sending 100s of messages ever single day. But for the ones that really count we’ve all had experience of where the nuance was missed or the emotion too weak of the undercurrent misunderstood.

Why not overcome this with zero effort at zero cost?

You can record and leave audio messages that travel just like a typed message. You can use with an individual or to a group.

How to do this?

It’s easy! See below. Press and hold the microphone you see below (near the purple arrow). Then talk, sing, recite, whatever…. And then you send.

Screengrab from WhatsApp on author’s iPhone

Ignore the mic on the bottom right corner. This is if you dictate your text. This is actually a very cool alternative option too, but that’s for a different tip!

