Foundation: Applying Re-Generative Principles to AI

This is a quickly-generated article about the fruits of the dialogue & collaboration between Björn Heijligers & Jakob Possert in condensed text and visuals — a process we are interested in automating.

In this case, the text is a short glossary with an AI-generated visual for each:

  • Regenerative AI — Leaving your environment, users and clients better off then you found them, even after extracting value from the market:
  • Post-postmodernism — A cultural perspective focused on imagination, memes, and breaking free of ideological limitations (inspired by Ken Wilber):
  • Regenerative capitalism — An economic approach inspired by natural cycles, aimed at healing late-stage capitalism:
  • Regenerative marketing — Promoting ecological values and sustainability through branding and messaging:
  • Strange attractors — Recognizable patterns that emerge in complex systems, difficult to predict but observable and powerful when building social systems around them:


The glossary has been generated using Otter AI (with minor human review) using this prompt:
“Create a glossary of unusual phrases or concepts that I have used and their connotation.”

The visuals have been created using Midjourney.

