How to enter the Reality Cards Open BETA

Reality Cards
Published in
9 min readAug 19, 2021


Reality Cards is currently hosting a public BETA. We want the onboarding experience to be as frictionless as possible for our community or anyone looking to use our platform. Below you will find comprehensive tutorials on how to get set up on the Polygon Network, and adding MATIC and USDC tokens.

How to connect to the Polygon Network using MetaMask

By default, MetaMask does not list the Polygon (MATIC) network. In the tutorial below we’ll take you step-by-step in how to add the Polygon (MATIC) network to your MetaMask account.

  • Click on MetaMask in your browser, once open you’ll see a drop-down menu with “Ethereum Mainnet” as the default network.
  • The “Networks” menu will appear, on the bottom of the list click on “Custom RPC
  • You’ll be presented with a few text fields. You’ll need to input the following information:

That’s it, you now have the Polygon Network added to your MetaMask wallet. If you haven’t already added MATIC and UCDC tokens to your MetaMask wallet you’ll need to do so in order to place bets on Reality Cards Events. If you’re not sure how to add MATIC and USDC, the step-by-step tutorial is outlined below. If you already have MATIC and USDC but haven’t already requested to be whitelisted for the Polygon BETA, click here to request access.

How to add MATIC and USDC to your MetaMask wallet

Both MATIC and USDC are required to use the Reality Cards platform. Polygon uses its own token (MATIC) for gas (much like Ether is used on Ethereum) and is needed to submit transactions on the Polygon Network. USDC is a stable coin which Reality Cards relies on as the default currency to place bets on Events.

Reality Cards does have plans to support additional tokens, and possibly allow for payments with fiat via Moonpay/Transak which was teased during the Reality Cards Community Call #1. But for now the steps to add MATIC and USDC are below.

  • Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser and select “Add Token”. You’ll be presented with a search field. In the search field, type: “matic”. Click Next.
  • You will now be presented with a summary page, where you’re required to explicitly “Add Token”. Click “Add Token”. You’ll now see MATIC in your MetaMask wallet. Click the arrow in the upper-left corner to return to your MetaMask main screen.

You’ve successfully added the MATIC token to your MetaMask wallet. To add USDC we simply repeat this process, except we search for USDC in the search field on MetaMask.

Now that you have both MATIC and USDC tokens added to your MetaMask wallet, you need to purchase some of each token to deposit into your wallet. Follow the instructions below which will guide you through how to purchase MATIC and USDC via Uniswap, and then migrate those tokens to the Polygon Network.

How to purchase MATIC and USDC on Uniswap

Now that you’ve added the token placeholder on MetaMask using the above tutorial, you’ll need to purchase actual MATIC and USDC tokens to migrate to Polygon and deposit onto the Reality Cards platform.

For this tutorial, we’ll be using Uniswap — but feel free to use your favorite token-swapping mechanism you’d like, the overall process will be the same.

  • Go to You will be presented with a swap feature. We’ll be converting ETH to MATIC, and then ETH to USDC.
  • We’ll be swapping some ETH for MATIC. We can leave the default “ETH” on the top field. Click “Select a token”, search for MATIC, and click “Import”.
  • You will be presented with a warning stating “This token doesn’t appear on the active token list(s). Make sure this is the token that you want to trade.”. This is a normal notification, you should confirm that the MATIC (polygon) contract address that’s displayed on Uniswap matches the official MATIC Token contract address listed here.
  • Once you’ve imported the MATIC token you’ll be presented with a summary of the exact transaction amounts — click “Confirm Swap”.
  • You will need to confirm the Gas Fee to complete the transaction. Click Confirm to swap your ETH for MATIC.
  • Once you’ve confirmed your transaction you’ll be presented with a transaction receipt which can be viewed on Etherscan. When the transaction status is “Success”, your transaction is complete and you will now have MATIC in your MetaMask wallet. To add USDC, simply repeat this process but search for USDC instead of MATIC.

Congratulations, you are the new proud owner of MATIC and USDC tokens. However, in order for these tokens to work on the Reality Cards platform you’ll need to migrate them to the Polygon network before you can deposit them to place bets.

Please follow the instructions below on how to migrate your tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to the Polygon Network via Polygon Bridge v2.

How to migrate MATIC and USDC tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon Network

If you’ve followed the tutorials above, or already have Mainnet MATIC and USDC then there is one final step to be able to interact with the Reality Cards platform; and that’s migrating your MATIC and USDC tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to the Polygon Network. Once your tokens have been migrated from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon you’ll be able to deposit your USDC and begin placing bets on events!

  • Navigate to Polygon Bridge V2, where you’ll be presented with a wallet login prompt. For this tutorial we’ll be choosing MetaMask. You’ll be asked to sign a message before entering the Polygon Bridge V2.
  • After signing you’ll be directed to a dashboard. On the right-hand side you’ll notice a large button that says “Move funds from Ethereum to Polygon”. Click that button.
  • You will now be presented with a swap screen similar to the one you interacted with on Uniswap. This swap feature allows you to move your assets from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon. So start, let’s move our MATIC tokens from Mainnet to Polygon. Select MATIC from the dropdown menu on top, choose the amount of MATIC tokens you want to transfer and select “Transfer”.
  • Before you can complete this transaction you’ll be presented with two screens. The first one informs you on what type of transaction are supported with the Polygon Bridge. After clicking “Continue”, you’ll be presented with a transfer overview screen. Review this and click “Continue”.
  • Next you’ll be presented with a Plasma Bridge transaction confirmation screen. Click “Continue”. Something to note, if/when you transfer back from Polygon to Ethereum it will take 7 days to transfer your funds back to Ethereum.
  • Once you click “Continue”, MetaMask will prompt you to confirm the transaction and allow the Polygon Bridge to convert your tokens. Click “Confirm”.
  • Your transaction will now begin to be processed and be migrated from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon. After the transaction has been approved it will take approximately 7–8 minutes for the deposit to complete and reflect in your MetaMask wallet. You can track the real-time progress of your transaction via the “View on Etherscan” link.
  • After ~7–8 minutes we can verify your tokens have been migrated by switching from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon in your MetaMask wallet and checking your balance. You should now be able to see your MATIC tokens display when viewing on the Polygon Network. Simply repeat this process to migrate your USDC to the Polygon Network.

Congratulations, you have successfully transferred your MATIC and USDC tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon Network. You’re now ready to deposit your funds from your MetaMask wallet to the Reality Cards platform. If you don’t already have access to the Reality Cards Polygon BETA, follow the steps below to request access and start placing bets on events!

How to add MATIC and USDC tokens on Polygon Network

To add both MATIC and USDC tokens on the Polygon Network in your MetaMask wallet, it’s very much similar to how you added tokens to your MetaMask wallet on Ethereum Mainnet.

  • Switch to the Polygon Network using the MetaMask network dropdown menu
  • MATIC will display by default when switched over to the Polygon Network in your MetaMask wallet. You will need to manually add USDC by clicking the “Add Token” button.
  • Copy & Paste the official USDC Polygon Contract Address in the “Token Contract Address” field. If prompted to supply the “Token Decimal”, use “6”. Click “Next”.
  • USDC Polygon Contract Address: 0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174
  • You’ll be presented with an Add Token confirmation page, click “Add Token”. You have successfully added USDC on the Polygon network in your MetaMask wallet. Click the arrow in the upper left corner to go back to the Polygon Network page to see your MATIC and USDC balances..

Accessing Reality Cards Platform

Reality Cards is currently in a open BETA on the Polygon Network. To access the platform click here. Join the Reality Cards Discord Server for support.



Reality Cards

Community Ambassador for: @ethStaker @RealityCards🎴 @EthStudymaster📚. Ethereum Maximalist. 🦇 🔊. @poapxyz Enthusiast 🏅. Owner of Unvetica.