Reality Cards

How You Can Mint NFTs Directly From Smart Contracts

An alternative method of minting NFTs through bypassing a project’s website via Etherscan.

Reality Cards


Original Photo by Hunter Harritt on Unsplash

For some, minting NFTs through smart contracts is a norm but, to many — it’s something they have never done before. In the past week, the crypto and NFT community have witnessed a reason why minting directly on smart contracts may be a better alternative rather than minting on project websites. However, minting directly through smart contracts can be risky and should be done correctly and confidently!

Minting on smart contracts usually takes place when a project has no website, Twitter, discord, or any advertising one on it as we have seen with dotdotdots and Vogu NFTs. In further articles, we will explore some other projects where smart contract minting had to be done due to technical issues on websites.

Get your ‘mint on’ with smart contracts

First things first, before you begin your initial journey to mint an NFT directly from the smart contract you will need to make sure you have enough funds (Ether) with a little extra for insane gas fees (expected during a crazy NFT launch) on MetaMask. Once you have done this, you should already know what the ‘contract address’ of the project is. The contract address is used as a reference to buyers of the NFT when signing and verifying the transaction on MetaMask and in addition, it is the contract detailing the project. For this guide, we will use a recent NFT launched called “Penguin Fight Club”.

Remember, get the right contract address, this is usually available to you either on the project’s social platforms. If you can’t find it, ask the project devs for assistance (don’t worry, usually it’s there). Once you get the address, just click it (!)

Source: Contract Address via Penguin Fight Club’s Discord

Step 1: Check that you have the right contract address

Step 2: Click on the ‘Contract’ tab

Step 3: Click the‘ write contract’ button

Step 4: Connect to your MetaMask wallet with the ‘connect to web3’ button

Minting directly on smart contract
Source: Contract Address via Penguin Fight Club’s Etherscan

Once you have connected your MetaMask wallet to the contract address, you will ensure that it says ‘Connected’ with a green-colored dot. This is a confirmation that your wallet is connected.

Next, you need to scroll down to find and expand ‘mintPenguin’ in this case (or mint[projectname]).

The last mile: Your first smart contract mint

Mint through Smart contract Etherscan
Source: Minting field via Penguin Fight Club’s Etherscan

Once the ‘mint[projectname]’ section has expanded, you will see 2 fields: ‘PayableAmount (ether)’ and ‘Number of Tokens’. In the first field, you will need to input the mint price set out by the project. To find this out, you will need to find that information from the core team or their socials (Discord, Twitter, etc).

Penguin Fight Club NFTs minting price was at 0.04 Ether. So in the first field input ‘0.04’. In the second field, it is the amount of NFTs you would like to mint So if you are looking to mint one, input ‘1’. In this case, 0.04 Ether (mint price) x 1 (amount to mint) = 0.04 Ether.

If however, you’re thinking of apeing into this project with minting 10 NFTs you will need to input the following: For example 0.04 Ether (mint price) x 10 (amount to mint) = 0.4 Ether.

Once you’re done, click on ‘write’.

Etherscan NFT minting
Source: Expanded Minting field via Penguin Fight Club’s Etherscan

Your MetaMask wallet should pop up and now you can confirm the transaction of the minting process. Keep in mind, that you have enough funds in your wallet with a sufficient amount of gas limit. A failed transaction can translate into losing your gas fees.


Minting NFTs directly on smart contracts can be a very nerve-wracking experience. It’s an unconventional way to mint NFTs and to the inexperienced and first-time ‘minter’ this can stress you out. Don’t fret — once you’ve done your first mint on smart contracts, you’ll feel a huge relief off your shoulders. Enjoy the process and you will reap the benefits. Currently, on Reality Cards, minting an NFT is not something that is possible. Reality Cards is an NFT marketplace however, to determine your hunger for the NFT you will have to ‘Rent’ it and HODL longer than anyone else.



Reality Cards

2016, I made my first Bitcoin purchase. 2018, sold all my Bitcoin at a lost. Sound familiar? My Medium content focuses on cryptocurrency and blockchain.