Reality Cards: Connecting to Sokol Testnet

DeFi Dude
Reality Cards
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

To access the Sokol Testnet version of Reality Cards, you’ll first want to claim the native tokens from the Sokol faucet. You can do so by clicking here and entering your address as seen below.

Update: It looks like the faucet has been depleted, if you aren’t able to claim tesnet tokens please contact us on Discord!

Note: there’s no limit to how many time you claim from the faucet, so claim away!

After you’ve claimed your tokens from the faucet, you’re going to want to enable MetaMask to connect to the Sokol Testnet. To do so, open MetaMask and navigate to your profile bubble. Then choose custom RPC, like so:

Next, enter the following details into the prompt:

After that, the last step is to make sure your network is switched to Sokol by choosing it from the drop down in the earlier step where you chose “Custom RPC”.

Ta-da! You’re now connected to Sokol and ready to test Reality Cards!

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