Reality Cards — Private Beta Update

DeFi Dude
Reality Cards
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2020

Dear members of the Reality Cards community,

It is with great satisfaction that we are announcing the premature closure of our private beta round.

We started the beta round back in June to gather high quality product feedback and to offer the investor community a little glimpse of our vision. Our most ambitious expectations were met on both fronts. We’ve received valuable feedback from our over 300 Discord members and have been lucky enough to meet many fantastic investors.

The beta program will be running until the current markets resolve (and maybe a couple new markets will be added), but no more invite codes will be handed out unless the aspiring tester presents professional credentials like a LinkedIn profile with references to work in the blockchain industry.

Steps ahead

Capital is fungible and abundant, so the investors we are going to work with are those that can provide the most value besides their financial support. Although we have selected one already, we are still in conversations with others and actively looking for the best partners to jump-in on this thrilling adventure.

Get In Touch

While our private beta may have come to an end, you can still stay up to date on everything Reality Cards by joining our Discord and following us on Twitter!

