Reality Cards Update — New Events & Improvements

DeFi Dude
Reality Cards
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2020

Greetings everyone! Since we announced our out of stealth post last week, we’ve been working hard on gathering feedback, ironing out the kinks, and getting more events out the door for you to participate in.

In this post, we’ll briefly discuss the two new markets being added, as well as some of the minor changes we’ve made that will be noticeable after today.

Event #1: Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr.

The first event we’ll be adding is set to resolve on September 12, 2020: who will win the Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. fight?

We‘ve seen a growing interest in the outcome of this fight, so we wanted to give our users the ability to take part in predicting who they think will come out victorious. Will Mike Tyson come out of retirement only to fall in defeat? We’ll let you be the judge of that!

Event #2: Price of $YFI

The second event we’ve decided to add is one that yield farmers around the globe have been wishing for: what will the price of $YFI be by August 02, 2020?

With the growing popularity around, $YFI, and yield farming in general, we thought that it’d be great if people had the chance to take a side on which direction they think the price of $YFI will go.

We’ve decided to keep the duration of these two new events on the shorter side in preparation for our V1 launch, but worry not! We’ve got a growing amount of ideas for future markets to add between now and our V2 release, which is the release that will let anyone create a market. Lastly, we’ve also added 200 DAI to both events using the new sponsor function to get things started!

Minor updates

  • New sponsor function — a sponsor can add liquidity without needing to rent the card itself.
  • Fixed the issue where you would have to withdraw your deposit in order to buy a card back at a higher daily rental price, assuming you still have a balance.
  • Our NFT contracts now have unique names (previously they were all labeled
  • You can now withdraw your winnings and deposits in one transaction (previously this required two).

These new additions to the smart contract have been audited prior to going live, however, we recommend you still treat it as experimental — it’s audited, but not battle-tested.

Get Involved

Reality Cards is currently in private beta, however, if you’re interested in obtaining a beta key or have any questions — reach out to us on Discord!

