No, Don’t Live Every Day Like Your Last

Elias Roberto
Reality is Negotiable
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

We got plenty of time. We got nothing but time. We got time to kill. — The Polar Express (2004)

Yes, I did just quote a “kids” movie. Something about truth and the mouth of babes. :)

An incredibly popular message that we’re bombarded with in the media, and especially the echo chambers of our own social feeds, is to ‘live every day as if it were your last’.

I used to think the exact same way.
But because of the 2 points below, I don’t anymore.

You’re Safe

One of the underlying messages of ‘live every day as if it were your last’ is that your life can end anytime.

Scary thought? That’s in the eye of the beholder.

But, if we take ourselves out of the fearful hardware that we inherited from our ancestors who were on the lookout for preys and fighting for survival on a daily battle; the balance is tipped in your favor.

You’ve heard it a few times already, but have you really grasped it? This is the safest time ever.

So, if something isn’t going the way you had hoped and things feel hopeless…chill.

You’ve got time to breathe in & out.
You’ve got time to figure it out.

Scarcity vs Abundance

If there’s one thing that I could say is different from the Elias of exactly one year ago, it’d be the mindset of abundance.

Growing up in a place where sometimes all we had for dinner were potatoes and mayonnaise, because there was no money, the scarcity mindset was all but a stranger.

I grew up believing that there isn’t enough. And that there will never be enough.

I can’t exactly point to one moment in time where that shifted, though I’m sure a big catalyst for it was my first experience with DMT, but…

There is enough.

There is enough food on the planet to go around. There’s enough planet for the people. There’s enough money in the world. There’s enough good in the world & there’s enough to believe in and be optimistic and hopeful about.

There is also enough time.

Sure, time may be non-renewable, but just look at, on average, how many years you still have left?

Some of you reading, including myself, have not even lived half of what the current average lifespan is…

& that doesn’t even take into account what the new average lifespans will be due to the amazing advancements in pharmacology, biotechnology and biochemistry.

Memento Mori

I have this popular Stoic phrase tattooed on my left wrist and it means “Remember that you must die”.

Time is finite.
Time has a limit.
You can’t get a refund on time.

My hope with this article will take some pressure off of you to ‘get it right’ ASAP, or else you’ll have blown your shot at life.

I also want it to be a reminder to you that all these long, abundant years that you still have left here should be spent doing whatever lets your heart skip that beat.

We’re here for a while, you’re here for a while.
We may as well have a good time.



Elias Roberto
Reality is Negotiable

creator and multipassionate dude. improving the quality of mind. Follow me on Instagram: