What To Play with Oculus Touch

Of course, MUSIC INSIDE is my first choice.

Reality Reflection
4 min readMar 22, 2017


Oculus Touch Controller

As some of you know, Oculus Touch Controller was finally launched on December 6th. With this beautiful device, which games should you play? Oculus have introduced 53 games you could play with their new device. Here are some recommendations we have for you all.

VR Sports Challenge (Sanzaru)

If you have pre-ordered Oculus Touch Controller, you can play this game for free! This game includes all different kinds of sports: basketball, hockey, baseball, and football. You can play those sports without worrying about breaking the windows in a cozy room with Oculus Touch. The thrilling moments is ABSOLUTELY real in this game. If you would like to enjoy breathtaking moments of sports, this game is for you!

The Climb (Crytek)

Think about climbing the cliff. The thrill and the view- it is all about excitements. BUT, we do have many reasons not to do it ourselves in the wild. I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s acrophobia. The Climb let you experience the thrill of rock climbing. We had heard good things about this game before Oculus Touch was launched, but with the controller, they say the game is even better. Just like the real rock climbing, you have to concern about many things: the distance between the points, the location of hands, where to jump and when to rest. You can do all these in your room! Personally, I say the greatest part of this game is the view. What do you think?

I Expect You to Die (Schell Games)

Have you ever played a room escape game? As you can see from the picture, I Expect You to Die is a puzzle-type room escape game. Some argue that VR is created for the room escape game. Well, I Expect You to Die supports that argument with its unique graphics and concepts. If non-VR room escape game is too uninspiring and mundane for you, this is it! With VR devices, you would definitely feel trapped and be eager to escape. Well, as the title says, someone expects you to die. Can you survive this?

Superhot (superhot team)

I bet that most of you already know this game. In fact, it is almost embarrassing to introduce this game. I just had to mention this game, because its distinctive action effects are even more intense with VR. Unlike when a player just moves around, everything moves in slow-motion when he/she takes actions or shoots a gun. It reminded me of a scene from Matrix: having a control over time and space. If you think VR is all about shooting and beating, this game is definitely for you.

Kingspray (infectious ape)

Have you ever sneaked into a little corner of a street to paint on the wall? How about being amazed by those graffiti arts on the wall or under the bridge. Or have you ever wished to become a graffiti artist? Kingspray is your chance to become one. Kingspray has various backgrounds and colors to give you the real sense of painting on the wall. Using multiplayer mode, you can even collaborate with your friends. You can create your own artwork without worrying about cops and vandalism.

Oculus Game Series

From all the kidults’ dream, Toy Box to the artists’ drawing tool, Quill- many people got their eyes on Oculus games even before they had been launched. Since Oculus has developed them with the Touch Controller, they are a perfect match. Can’t give out too many details, but you really should try them out!

Last, but not least, Music Inside (Reality Reflection)

It is a very touching moment.

Our little creation, Music Inside is also included in this launching line up. Music Inside is a VR rhythm game with unlimited music options. The glowing backgrounds really place you inside of the music. We added multiplayer mode for you to enjoy the game with the users from all over the world. Do you love the music and rhythm game? What are you waiting for? Join us and play!

Out of launched 53 games, which one did you have in your mind?

Is it on this list? If you tell us what you have in your mind, we might give you more detailed post on it.

AND it would be great if you play Music Inside and give us some feedback!

