Challenge Dirty 30 Trailer Screenshots and Photos

Allan Aguirre
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2017
  • Latoya is looking fierce, eyebrow game on point.
  • Bananas is the same Banananas.
  • Aneesa also looking great on day one.
  • Two of the biggest players from recent Real World seasons. One is a Champ, on is a Chump.
  • Jordan’s mustache is looking better than it did on Champs vs Pros.
  • LeRoy getting yelled at by Camila, making him wonder if the appearance check is worth it.
  • A days work for CT.
  • New AYTO girls in the house, Tori Deal (AYTO 4) and Britni Thornton (AYTO 3)
  • Dario throwing a pillow, or something, at Jordan. It hits the big pop art style photos that has the entire cast up. Those pictures are so cool, and I really wonder what Jordan did to get Dario this mad.
  • Bananas holding Tony back. They both have lollipops. Have you ever been angry when sucking a lollipop?
  • Camila going at Aneesa in the bus, wearing the same attire as during the Invasion reunion.
  • Hunter and Nicole R participating in the same Challenge. Are they filling something up, maybe?
  • Do whatever you would like with this photo of Cara Maria.
  • Opening heat of a Challenge. This reminds me of the first Challenge on Free Agents.
  • Tony, Darrell, and Cory all carrying the same cannonballs. Cory blasts his off in excitement.
  • Two teams going down a hallway, and CT smashes Bananas into the wall
  • Likewise, Aneesa smashed Jenna on the other end in another scene.




Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.