Challenge Dirty 30: Who everyone’s hooked up with

Allan Aguirre
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2017

With Challenge season 30 coming around the corner, I’ve decided that we should air out some dirty laundry for the “Dirty 30”. The Challenge is a show about competition and drunken debauchery. When they’re not competing, the next most important thing is “who’s fucking who?”

Here I’ve compiled all of the true hookups between the people on these casts, past and present. I’ve listed the “confirmed” hookups, which are either on camera, off camera, might not have been on a Challenge, but many have pointed to the them happening. There might be some on the Confirmed section that should be in Unconfirmed, and likewise, the other way around.

Thank you to Reddit User: soymilkmami and their hookup chart that I used to help direct me on occasion.

Johnny Bananas (15th season)
Confirmed: Camila Nakagawa, Nany Gonzalez, Casey Cooper, Trisha Cummings
Unconfirmed: KellyAnne Judd, Svetlana Shusterman, Emilee Fitzpatrick

Chris Tamburello (13th season)
Confirmed: Diem Brown, Anastasia Miller, Mandi Moyer, Shauvon Torres
Unconfirmed: Nany (99.9% happened), Heather Cooke, Laurel Stucky, Shane Landrum (.0000001% happened)

Derrick Kosinki (10th season)
Confirmed: Jodi Weatherton, Casey Cooper, Robin Hibbard, Diem Brown
Unconfirmed: Jenn Grijalva (highly unlikely)

Darrell Taylor (8th season)
Confirmed: Rachel Robinson, Jenn Grijalva, Leah Gillingwater
Unconfirmed: Cara Maria Sorbello, Casey Cooper

LeRoy Garrett (8th season)
Confirmed: Naomi Defensor, Theresa Gonzalez, Jemmye Carroll, Nia Moore
Unconfirmed: Aneesa Ferreira

Jordan Wiseley (4th season)
Confirmed: Jonna Mannion, Laurel Stucky, Sarah Rice
Unconfirmed: Frank Sweeney (probably didn’t happen)

Cory Wharton (4th season)
Confirmed: Jenny Delich, Lauren Ondersma, Aneesa Ferreira, Cheyenne Floyd, Kailah Casillas, Camila Nakagawa

Unconfirmed: Ashley Mitchell, Jenna Compono

Dario Medrano (4th season)
Confirmed: AYTO 2 girls, Ashley Kelsey (currently dating)
Unconfirmed: KellyAnne Judd

Tony Raines (4th season)
Confirmed: Madison Walls, Christina LeBlanc, Ashley Mitchell
Unconfirmed: Jessica McCain

Nelson Thomas (3rd season)
Confirmed: Cheyenne Floyd, LaToya Jackson
Unconfirmed: Ashley Mitchell

Devin Walker (2nd season)
Confirmed: Kiki Cooper (AYTO 3)
Unconfirmed: Camila Nakagawa

Hunter Barfield (2nd season)
Confirmed: AYTO 3 girls, Ashley Mitchell

Shane Raines (2nd season)
Unknown/ Briah Bettencourt

Christopher Ammon (1st season)
Unconfirmed: Dione Marini

Derrick Henry (1st season)
Confirmed: Tori Deal (currently dating), AYTO 5 girls

Aneesa Ferreira (12th season)
Confirmed: Cory Wharton, Rachel Robinson
Unconfirmed: Ty Ruff, LeRoy Garrett, Trey Weahterholtz

Camila Nakagawa (10th season)
Confirmed: Johnny Bananas, Cory Wharton

Unconfirmed: Devin Walker Vince Gliatta

Cara Maria Sorbello (10th season)
Confirmed: Abram Boise, Thomas Buell
Unconfirmed: Darrell Taylor

Veronica Portillo (9th season)
Confirmed: Abram Boise, Rachel Robinson
Unconfirmed: Darrell Taylor, Evan Starkman, Brad Fiorenza, etc.

Jenna Compono (5th season)
Confirmed: Jay Mitchell, Zach Nichols, Bruno Bettencourt
Unconfirmed: Vince Gliatta, Cory Wharton

Jemmye Carroll (5th season)
Confirmed: Ryan Knight, LeRoy Garrett
Unconfirmed: Jay Mitchell

Ashley Mitchell (3rd season)
Confirmed: Hunter Barfield, Jamie Banks, Tony Raines
Unconfirmed: Nelson Thomas, Cory Wharton

Amanda Garcia (3rd season)
Confirmed: Mike Crescenzo

LaToya Jackson (3rd season)
Confirmed: Nelson Thomas
Unconfirmed: Brandon Swift

Marie Roda (3rd season)
Confirmed: Robb Schreiber, Anthony Bartolotte

Simone Kelly (3rd season)
Confirmed: John Jacobs

Nicole Ramos (3rd season)
Confirmed: Nate Siebenmark
Unconfirmed: Anthony Cuomo, Jamie Banks

Kailah Casillas (2nd season)
Confirmed: Dylan Moore, Dione Marini, Cory Wharton

Briana LaCuesta (2nd season)
Confirmed: AYTO 2 guys

Tori Deal (1st season)
Confirmed: Mike Crescenzo, Morgan St. Pierre (AYTO 4), Derrick Henry, AYTO 4 guys

Britni Thornto (1st season)
Confirmed: Chuck Mowery (AYTO 3)



Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.