The Best and Worst Colors to wear on the Challenge

Allan Aguirre
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2017

Ever watch an episode of the Challenge and wonder why someone is wearing a shit brown t shirt or why they gave the person a swampy green. I know I do. I also noticed they tend to give Bananas and CT really solid normal colors, in order to not anger the stars of their franchise. Back in the day competitors used to just wear their own clothes, and when the Gauntlets/Infernos were in full form, they would just wear plain reds and blues against each other. Once we got pairs and individuals they started to get more stylized colors.

I decided to track the history of colors and see what colors generally appear the most in wins, in finals, and see which rare colors actually have good ratios. I looked only at the seasons with a plethora of colors: Rivals 3, Bloodlines, Exes 2, Rivals 2, Seasons (2012), Exes 1, Rivals 1, Fresh Meat 2, Duel 2, and Duel 1.

From there we had 13 season winning teams/pairs/individuals. The color that won the most amount of seasons was Black, winning 3 times, Bloodlines (Cara Maria/Jamie), Rivals 1 (Tyler/Johnny), and Fresh Meat 2 (Landon/Carley). The only other colors to have repeat wins are Red and Grey, Red: Exes 2 (Sarah/Jordan) and Duel 2 (Evan), Grey: Rivals 2 (CT/Wes) and Duel 2 (Rachel). Other winning colors include: Navy Blue in Rivals 3 (Johnny/Sarah), Blue in Rivals 2 (Emily/Paula), Baby Blue in Seasons (Team San Diego), Teal in Exes 1 (Johnny/Camila), Purple in Rivals 1 (Evelyn/Paula), Lime Green in Duel 1 (Wes), and Yellow in Duel 1 (Jodi).

The Best Colors

Black/Navy Blue

In recent seasons this color has become very common for teams that share the same color. Navy Blue was seldom used until Exes 2, and since then we have seen Johnny & Sarah win while wearing the color, and Nelson made it to the final after getting the color from the rainbow of colors they used this season for the Underdogs.

For Black, they generally don’t give the color to bad teams or non fan favorites. Over the years: Jenna/Vince, CT/Diem twice, KellyAnne/Jamie, Cara Maria/Jamie, Johnny/Tyler, Laurel/Cara Maria, and Landon/Carley have adorned Black. Knight/Jemmye and Brandon/Brianna are really the only terrible teams to ever get Black as their jersey colors, even then the New Orleans pair is a legendary OTP.

Good Colors


Regular Grey has been a solid color on the Challenge. Wes has worn it twice, once when he won Rivals 2, and the other in Exes 2 (his best performance ever). For the Duel 2, Rachel and Brittni wore it where they finished first and second respectively. It’s either been really good or really bad, but teetering to towards good overall, it was boosted by Invasion MVP Shane Landrum this season.


Red is a consistently used color for many seasons, and for the most part there always seems to be multiple teams wearing it, and at least one seems to be there for the final. Some of the famous teams to wear reds have been the underdogs who defied odds: Cooke/Cara on Rivals 2, LeRoy/Mike on Rivals 1, and LeRoy on Exes 2.

Light Blue

A color that is very rarely used by the Challenge, but always seems to pretty decent, the people that wear it generally get to midway into the game, and when Team San Diego wore it on Battle of the Seasons, they brought home the win.

Surprisingly Bad Colors


Plain old regular Blue has done terribly in these Challenges despite always being there. First elimination flops have worn it like Dustin/Jessica and good teams have floundered at the end like Wes/Nany and CT/Adam. The only time a team won with Blue was Emily/Paula and that was kind of a teal more than a normal blue.


Maroon is a cool color, and nobody who has worn it has ever made it to the final. This season it was Amanda who got the color, so she almost made history.

Forrest Green

This darker green has become a common color on the Challenge, and nobody has made it to the final wearing this jersey color besides Jay/Jenna, which says something. Not even Bananas could make the final wearing this color.

Surprisingly Good Colors

Neon/Lime Green

I know, right? It’s a color that has been worn by a champ: Wes on Duel 1, worn by teams who made the final, Camila/Jemmye and Emily/Ty, and then by a team who missed the final on the last elimination, Preston/Knight. They have not used this color since Rivals 2, as it is a silly color.


Another color that is very rarely used, but when worn by Johnny/Camila they took the win. Jordan/Marlon made the final on Rivals 2 with it, Nany/Jonna had solid performances, and the only bad team to really wear the colors were Cara Maria/Abram.

Bad Colors


These two ugly duckling colors have each had hits. Evelyn & Paula won the first Rivals season wearing purple, but Dunbar sullied it twice, once with Paula and the other with Tyrie. Wes got eliminated on the second episode of Exes wearing purple, same for Robin on the Duel 2, Big Easy got destroyed wearing purple on Duel 2, and the best team to wear it in recent years was Aneesa/Diem on Rivals 2. If you get purple, it’s a bad sign. Yellow had a Rivals season where two teams made the final in it: Wes/Kenny, and Jenn/Mandi. I still cannot believe they put the faces of their franchise in Yellow! After that season, LeRoy/Naomi flopped with Yellow, Fresh Meat was the first team eliminated on Seasons with Yellow, and then powerhouses Derek/Robb and Jessica/Anastasia wore it for Rivals 2.


If you get this color, you are going home, production has already decided it.

Silver/Dark Grey

A color that is consistently on the Challenge that has no teams that has ever made the final in it until Ashley M this season!!!




Published in RealitySports

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Allan Aguirre
Allan Aguirre

Written by Allan Aguirre

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.