How to do install a free SSL certificate / WordPress cPanel hosting

Red Near
Really Simple SSL
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2019

cPanel access with the TLS/SSL Manager module enabled
FTP/file manager access
How to install a free SSL certificate on your cPanel hosting environment
Check if your hosting environment supports cPanel.

The easiest way to check this is to navigate to Most hosting providers allow you to access cPanel by adding /cPanel to your domain. Another option is to check for cPanel in your hosting environment. Most hosting providers have a link to your cPanel environment.

Install the SSL Zen plugin by navigating to the ‘Plugins -> add new’ menu.

Once installed, navigate to the SSL Zen wizard:

Make sure to include the www-prefixed version to and check if the contact details are correct. Next, check the box below the contact details to agree to the terms and conditions. Once checked, press the next button in the top right part of the wizard.

On the next page, you will find instructions to create a directory and upload two files to it. Luckily SSL Zen has great documentation, making the entire process relatively easy.

After you have placed the files in the .well-known/acme-challenge/ folder you can continue to step 3.

You should now have received the certificate files per e-mail. Now follow the step by step guide to install the SSL certificate on your server. Once that is done, SSL can be activated with Really Simple SSL!

