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A Really Simple Mission

Help makers make a living.

Drew Thomas
2 min readApr 1, 2017


Really Simple Store didn’t start as a way to make money. It started because I had something to sell, my brother had something to sell, and my buddy had something to sell.

There’s a gap in ecommerce platforms… if you just want to sell something quickly and easily, you’re either lined up next to everyone else (Etsy, eBay, Amazon) or you can’t justify the price and setup time (Shopify, Squarespace). To fill the gap for us, I created a super simple, no frills ecommerce platform that would do two main things:

  1. List our products
  2. Accept credit card payments

My brother’s product was timely, so the platform met his needs perfectly. He spun up a site, sold a few items, and moved on when it was no longer relevant.

My original product turned out to be a flop. Luckily I had more ideas, and now I had a platform to sell on. I spun up my current ecommerce business in a day and haven’t looked back.

As it turns out, my buddy’s company took off. It’s really his story that made it clear what was missing in the industry and what I could bring to the table. The ecommerce store is just the first step. As his business grows, I found I can use my technical and marketing knowledge to help in all kinds of ways- from advice to tools.

There are hundreds of thousands of people like him- passionate makers who toil at night and on weekends to express themselves through their craft. They want to make money; their time is limited; and running a business is time consuming.

I can help. Really Simple Store is the first of several products aimed at one focused mission:

Help makers make a living.

To learn more or to start selling, go to reallysimplestore.com.

